Tommy−−that was all that mattered. Many times in the day Tuppence blinked the tears out of her eyes resolutely. "Little fool," she would apostrophize herself, "don't snivel. Of course you're fond of him. You've known him all your life. But there's no need to be sentimental about it."
"You and Beresford. What about it?"
"I don't understand you," replied Tuppence with dignity, adding rather inconsequently: "And, anyway, you're wrong!"
"Not got a sort of kindly feeling for one another?"
"Certainly not," said Tuppence with warmth. "Tommy and I are friends−−nothing more."
"I guess every pair of lovers has said that sometime or another," observed Julius.
Well, I'm darned!" said Julius. "Little Tuppence. She sure was the pluckiest little girl−−−−"
But suddenly something seemed to crack in Tommy'... (查看原文)
关于小说: Last week, I was determined to indulge myself, each evening after a dumb hour struggling with the phonetic symbols of language German, in several pages (by 'several', I would have had meant ten , but it turned out to be more than forty pages per...
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