These journeys to school or the exams were for the young Ye Boying something of an escape from life in a large family, a chance to be among young men his own age, to relax and enjoy himself and talk about personal and intellectual matters of common concern. In the cities of the lower Yangzi, teahouses, wine shops, and brothels were as likely places for young men to gather as bookstores or academic halls. Surely the good times that Boying enjoyed were not all derived from the scholarly discussions he records in his autobiography. His father, during one of his many visits to Nanjing, had written of a visit to the floating brothels on the river: "By chance, I thought of inviting friends to enjoy the famous 'flowers'.../ I don't know at whose place I will spend the night." Boying left no simil... (查看原文)
根据原版整理的三处省略号省略的具体内容如下: P377 …reliable estimates now put the death toll between twenty and thirty million people… P397 This lesson was obvious in the behavior of the Cultural Revolution leadership. Chairman Mao turned to his wife, t...
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