演讲 Speeches
Embrace a Colourful World——迎接多彩的世界
The Changing World and the Changing China——变化中的世界与中国
Understanding Modern China through Its Art——从艺术作品中了解现代中国
Appreciate the Art with Your Heart——用心灵感受艺术
New Diplomatic Challenges of China in a Changing World——从外部环境的变化看我国外交面临的新挑战
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演讲 Speeches
Embrace a Colourful World——迎接多彩的世界
The Changing World and the Changing China——变化中的世界与中国
Understanding Modern China through Its Art——从艺术作品中了解现代中国
Appreciate the Art with Your Heart——用心灵感受艺术
New Diplomatic Challenges of China in a Changing World——从外部环境的变化看我国外交面临的新挑战
A Story of China, Past and Present——讲讲中国的过去和现在
A Gift Over 200 Years Old——一份两百多年前的礼物
China’s New Path to Industrialisation and the Role of Britain——中国的新型工业化道路与英国的作用
Break the Ice Between China and the West——中西交往,破而后立
Survive the Disaster with Love and Strength——灾难中的大爱与坚强
Enjoy Your Tea and Friendship——茗香传友谊
A Long Journey of Greater Understanding——世界正在认识中国
Post-Olympic China and Its Relations with the West——“后奥运”时代的中国与西方关系
China and Its Relations with the World Amidst the Financial Crisis——金融危机下的中国与世界
From Shakespeare to Cultural Exchanges——从纪念莎翁说开去
Is China a Power?——中国是强国吗?
A Time for Celebration——为中国喝彩
Climate Change and China——气候变化与中国
Understanding China——更好地了解中国
Farewell to London——道别伦敦
The Times The Olympic Torch is Undimmed
《泰晤士报》 奥运会属于我们大家
The Sunday Telegraph Reflections on the Torch Relay
《星期日电讯报》 奥运火炬传递后的思考
The Guardian Unity is Deep in Our Blood
《卫报》 团结流淌在中华民族的血脉里
The Guardian Remembering David Hawkes
《卫报》 忆霍克思先生
The Sun The X Factor Factor
《太阳报》 “英国偶像”
访谈 Interviews
The Start of a Beautiful Relationship Between China and the World—Interview with Channel 4 News
China Comes for Cooperation—The Andrew Marr Show of BBC One
China Is a New Story—Lunch with the FT
后记 傅莹谈关于演讲技巧的几点体会
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I want to start by saying how impressed I am by the seriousness with which Australians approach history. In every state and city I visit, there is always a museum--or many of them--recording local history. Even at Port Authur great care is taken in preserving one of the darkest periods of the exiles. In Australia, history is not only stored in museums, but also a presence in daily life. In Adelaide, for instance, almost everybody can tell how the city was originally designed with extraordinary foresight and imagination and hwo it grew over the many years.
我想说的是,澳大利亚人对待历史的认真态度给我留下了非常深刻的印象。我所到过的每一个州、每一座城市都有一座或者好几座博物馆记录着当地的历史,就连亚瑟港最黑暗的流放史也被悉心地保存了下来。在澳大利亚,历史不仅收存于博物馆内,也存在日常的生活中。比如,在阿德莱德,几乎每个人都能讲述这座城市最初设计者富有想象力和前瞻性的规划,以及这座城市不断变化成长的历史。 (查看原文)
Chinese paintings are more philosophical, and are meant to experess ideas and feelings. Professor Zhu Liangzhi, a Chinese aesthetician, made an in-depth analyasis on the subject. A case in point is my favourite painting Qiujiangdaidutu, or literally, Waiting to Cross the River on an Autumn Day, by Qian Xuan from the 13th century. It is a huge painting with a big space in the centre with practically nothing. The shapes around and some strokes indicaiting water waves show it is about a wide river, on the far side of which some mountains fade into the distance. You can see a ferryboat, hardly moving though, halfway across and people waiting very anxiously under the trees on the bank with long stretched necks.
The foucs of the painting seems to be the emptiness of the vast, foggy river and the... (查看原文)
But, is China a power? The response of the Chinese people is very different. Most of them still see China as a developing coutnry and all tehse flattering by outsiders is nothing but "Huyou," a popular Chinese experession, or literarlly in English, trying t...
“再好的机遇把握不好都可能成为挑战,再大的挑战把握好了都可以成为机遇。 It is a time of great opportunities and challenges and it is important for us to learn how to convert the latter into the former, not vice versa. 我们年轻的一代一定要多看看历史,想想我...
0 有用 mahjong 2022-06-09 15:23:54
1 有用 OO小胖子 2012-10-09 20:03:55
不愧是大使的演讲,很好! 装订封面设计排版手感都很好!
0 有用 ドーナツ 2022-08-26 21:18:54 河北
不那么严肃生硬的传达中国的观点看法,不是件容易的事 中英文对照真的是很好的学习资料 实际上我在读的时候脑子里一直在想百年前的中国外交官 鼻头真的会酸 “我们的年轻一代一定要多看看历史,想想我们的国家是怎么走过来的,珍惜我国的机会,心里装着历史的一代才能担当起民族未来的重任。”
0 有用 一点颜色 2024-03-09 16:11:59 河北
出版距今十几年,事件和数据必然过时,中文部分读完了。居庙堂之高,视野之广,所见所思确实不一样,不是微博上刻意捉人眼球的极端社会新闻所能相比,“别碰唐纳德的氧气管子”傅莹大使的急智可见一斑,外交官的智慧啊!访谈中的提问处处陷阱十分尖锐,除了必须坚持的原则,不正面回答就对了,免得授人以柄。“认识和探索差异是了解真实世界的起点”“演讲成功的标准,是否抓住了听众的注意力,是否解决了听众思想上的一两个问题,... 出版距今十几年,事件和数据必然过时,中文部分读完了。居庙堂之高,视野之广,所见所思确实不一样,不是微博上刻意捉人眼球的极端社会新闻所能相比,“别碰唐纳德的氧气管子”傅莹大使的急智可见一斑,外交官的智慧啊!访谈中的提问处处陷阱十分尖锐,除了必须坚持的原则,不正面回答就对了,免得授人以柄。“认识和探索差异是了解真实世界的起点”“演讲成功的标准,是否抓住了听众的注意力,是否解决了听众思想上的一两个问题,是否传递了新信息”。英文表达,想必最接近母语人的习惯,留待学习。霍克思先生翻译红楼,翻译“怡红院”时似刻意回避“红”字,原来外国人对政治也如此紧张,就跟“好儿女志在四方”不能写成“西”一样如履薄冰,我原以为是小题大做,释怀了。(其实红楼是富贵人家女孩儿的住所……orz (展开)
0 有用 无阻 2023-06-24 21:05:58 甘肃