1776的书评 (4)

静听风 2016-06-17 14:56:34


这不是一部历史教材。如果一定要分类,勉强可以算国内的所谓“纪实文学”。但是其历史性、文学性和思想性都到达了一个相当的高度。我把它叫做“一年史”,是因为从题材上讲,它跟黄仁宇的《万历十五年》都是取历史长河中有特点的一年,加以详述。 第一,历史性:David McCullo...  (展开)
苍雪渭 2020-06-13 02:52:41


刚开头的时候,看见作者对战争规模的描述,会让人觉得,这真是一场原始的战争。双方加起来,三五万人的规模,美国长期保持在大概一万出头的可作战部队规模,这放着中国历史上,的确算不得什么著名战役吧? 慢慢看下去,这场事关美国独立的战争,又慢慢凸显出了西方社会战争的明...  (展开)
Aloysius 2016-07-18 12:27:22

A quote


Quote: He (Washington) was not a brilliant strategist or tactician, nor a gifted orator, not an intellectual. At several crucial moments he had shown marked indecisiveness. He had made serious mistakes in judgment. But experience had been his great teacher ...  (展开)
Juliana 2009-02-27 20:09:24


It is an amazing book by David McCullough who has won his Pulitzer Prize by the book of "John Adams". As an historian, McCullough concentrated on not only the astronomical (at least to me) collection of facts and evidence but also the organization of them...  (展开)
