Mary's lips pinched themselves together. She was no more used to considering other people than Colin was and she saw no reason why an ill-tempered boy should interfere with the thing she liked best. She knew nothing about the pitifulness of people who had been ill and nervous and who did not know that they could control their tempers and need not make other people ill and nervous, too. When she had had a headache in India she had done her best to see that everybody else also had a headache or something quite as bad. And she felt she was quite right; but of course now she felt that Colin was quite wrong. (查看原文)
Mary was a frailty and bigoted girl. In the process of getting along with people and the nature, she learned to love and share. And finally she recovered from her fretfulness and illness. She never enjoyed the love from her parents. Her living space was qui...
I read it just because my reading teacher asked us to do that and then write a book review in English. But it is really a good book which can give you peace in your heart. And this in my book review. Mary was a English girl who had been live in ...
0 有用 noneed 2021-11-28 12:48:32
很喜欢的故事w 尽管没法给人一种长久的想象与珍藏,但还是有一些惊喜,最大的惊喜是:想到我也可以拥有一座花园,其他什么也不想。
0 有用 庸脂俗粉 2024-02-07 11:26:12 浙江
2.5-2.7 从印度回来的坏小姐在约克郡的沼泽地、阳光、树叶,和平等对她的玛莎的帮助下变得更加柔软。 通过玛莎她认识了狄肯,一个深爱大自然也被大自然深爱的男孩,于是她懂得了更多更好的东西;她又认识了柯林,一个娇弱、颐指气使的男孩,和曾经的她一样的男孩,在她和狄肯的帮助下,柯林也越来越健康、活泼、快乐。而在冥冥之中,那座秘密花园的主人,花费了十年,迎来了荆棘退缩后盛放的花丛。 自然强大又温柔,自然... 2.5-2.7 从印度回来的坏小姐在约克郡的沼泽地、阳光、树叶,和平等对她的玛莎的帮助下变得更加柔软。 通过玛莎她认识了狄肯,一个深爱大自然也被大自然深爱的男孩,于是她懂得了更多更好的东西;她又认识了柯林,一个娇弱、颐指气使的男孩,和曾经的她一样的男孩,在她和狄肯的帮助下,柯林也越来越健康、活泼、快乐。而在冥冥之中,那座秘密花园的主人,花费了十年,迎来了荆棘退缩后盛放的花丛。 自然强大又温柔,自然教会了孩子们许多道理,一些故事总是要在自然发生的;孩子们也在互相教育和学习,正如玛莎和狄肯的妈妈苏珊所言:“孩子需要孩子!” 孩子们需要童话,大人们也需要童话。 (展开)
0 有用 半江渔火 2024-01-14 15:38:25 江苏
1 有用 雲深 2022-09-29 23:24:34 江苏
1 有用 跳跳咪咪宝 2022-03-11 17:20:15
咋就戛然而止啦,气气。俺还想看更多关于玛丽和狄肯的事儿呢。 我的天,谁不爱充满灵气的大自然的孩子呀。一百多年前的作者,你没有心。[发怒]