Style的书评 (2)

茶米 2018-01-22 22:14:12



So much of what we called elegant writing depends finally on the subjects matters, the quality of thinking, the elevation of sentiments Maybe the only way to approach elegances is to read enough writing to get a sense of it in your nerves and bones。  (展开)
图瓦西 2023-05-16 19:00:59

精准写作十信条 | Ten Principles of Writing Clearly


1. Open your sentence with short, concrete subjects that name the characters in your story. 展开句子,以具象的短主语,点明你的叙述对象。 2. Use specific verbs to name their important actions. 用明确的动词,点明重要的动作。 3. Get to main verbs quickly: 尽快...  (展开)
