Pramod J. Sadalage
Martin Fowler 出版社: Addison-Wesley Professional 副标题: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence 出版年: 2012-8-18 页数: 192 定价: USD 39.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780321826626
The need to handle increasingly larger data volumes is one factor driving the adoption of a new class of nonrelational "NoSQL" databases. Advocates of NoSQL databases claim they can be used to build systems that are more performant, scale better, and are easier to program. NoSQL Distilled is a concise but thorough introduction to this rapidly emerging technology. Pramod J. Sada...
The need to handle increasingly larger data volumes is one factor driving the adoption of a new class of nonrelational "NoSQL" databases. Advocates of NoSQL databases claim they can be used to build systems that are more performant, scale better, and are easier to program. NoSQL Distilled is a concise but thorough introduction to this rapidly emerging technology. Pramod J. Sadalage and Martin Fowler explain how NoSQL databases work and the ways that they may be a superior alternative to a traditional RDBMS. The authors provide a fast-paced guide to the concepts you need to know in order to evaluate whether NoSQL databases are right for your needs and, if so, which technologies you should explore further. The first part of the book concentrates on core concepts, including schemaless data models, aggregates, new distribution models, the CAP theorem, and map-reduce. In the second part, the authors explore architectural and design issues associated with implementing NoSQL. They also present realistic use cases that demonstrate NoSQL databases at work and feature representative examples using Riak, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Neo4j. In addition, by drawing on Pramod Sadalage's pioneering work, NoSQL Distilled shows how to implement evolutionary design with schema migration: an essential technique for applying NoSQL databases. The book concludes by describing how NoSQL is ushering in a new age of Polyglot Persistence, where multiple data-storage worlds coexist, and architects can choose the technology best optimized for each type of data access.
Pramod J. Sadalage,ThoughtWorks公司首席顾问,致力于消弭数据库专业人员与应用程序开发者之间的鸿沟,他在这一鲜有人问津的领域中独享其乐。Sadalage先生经常接受客户咨询,为他们所面临的那些依赖新工艺、新科技,且极有挑战性的数据需求出谋划策。他研发出一项前沿技术,以受版本控制的数据迁移操作渐进地设计关系型数据库。Sadalage先生与Scott Ambler先生合著的《数据库重构》一书荣获2007年Jolt生产效率大奖。
Martin Fowler,世界级软件开发大师,软件开发“教父”,敏捷开发方法的创始人之一,在面向对象分析与设计、UML、模式、极限编程、重构和DSL等领域都有非常深入的研究,并为软件开发行业做出了卓越贡献。他乐于分享,撰写了《企业应用架构模式》(荣获2003年Jolt生产效率大奖)、《重构:改善既有代...
Pramod J. Sadalage,ThoughtWorks公司首席顾问,致力于消弭数据库专业人员与应用程序开发者之间的鸿沟,他在这一鲜有人问津的领域中独享其乐。Sadalage先生经常接受客户咨询,为他们所面临的那些依赖新工艺、新科技,且极有挑战性的数据需求出谋划策。他研发出一项前沿技术,以受版本控制的数据迁移操作渐进地设计关系型数据库。Sadalage先生与Scott Ambler先生合著的《数据库重构》一书荣获2007年Jolt生产效率大奖。
Martin Fowler,世界级软件开发大师,软件开发“教父”,敏捷开发方法的创始人之一,在面向对象分析与设计、UML、模式、极限编程、重构和DSL等领域都有非常深入的研究,并为软件开发行业做出了卓越贡献。他乐于分享,撰写了《企业应用架构模式》(荣获2003年Jolt生产效率大奖)、《重构:改善既有代码的设计》、《分析模式:可复用的对象模型》、《UML精粹:标准对象建模语言简明指南》、《领域特定语言》等在软件开发领域颇负盛名的著作。
These technical issues are exacerbated by licensing costs. Commercial relational databases are usually priced on a single-server assumption, so running on a cluster raised prices and led to frustrating negotiations with purchasing departments. (查看原文)
Thus, when "NoSQL" is applied to a database, it refers to an ill-defined set of mostly open-source databases, mostly developed in the early 21st century, and mostly not using SQL. (查看原文)
0 有用 mvm 2014-04-07 05:14:52
0 有用 逍遥的鱼 2014-05-28 15:57:57
经典!!!正是当前了解NOSQL概念的好书,不会太深,建议很中肯。每一章的key point重点关注。 下一步,通过写一个PPT来快速复习一遍
0 有用 林临 2020-02-25 11:49:15
0 有用 Ethanity 2021-01-02 07:02:18
high-level overview,读的时候正好把6.824paper提到的consistency level和implementation回顾了一下;每章的key points总结清晰明了(就喜欢这种说人话的);但这本书对我这种没有industry经历的菜鸟来说真是看早了。。
0 有用 ipaddict 2015-05-24 21:38:49