
  • 页码:第29页 2014-08-05 12:04:39

> Evanescence的所有笔记(208篇)

Evanescence对本书的所有笔记  · · · · · ·

  • 第27页

    LO I the man, whose Muse whylome did maske, As time her taught, in lowly Shephards weed...

  • 第28页

    4 And with them eke, O Goddesse heauenly bright, Mirrour of grace and Maiestie diuine, ...

  • 第29页
  • 第30页

    注释: 4 dead as liuing euer: cf. Rev. 1.18 on John’s vision of the resurrected Christ...

  • 第31页

    stanza 5 5 So pure and innocent, as that same lambe, She was in life and euery vertuous...

说明  · · · · · ·
