Multithreading with ZeroMQ

红色有角F叔 (勇敢困难 不怕牛牛)

在读 ZeroMQ

  • 章节名: Multithreading with ZeroMQ
  • 2016-03-19 23:03:56

> 红色有角F叔的所有笔记(699篇)

红色有角F叔对本书的所有笔记  · · · · · ·

  • I/O Threads

    We said that ØMQ does I/O in a background thread. One I/O thread (for all sockets) i...

  • Handing Errors and ETERM

    ZeroMQ's error handling philosophy is a mix of fail-fast and resilience. Processes, we ...

  • Multithreading with ZeroMQ
  • Zero-copy

    You should think about using zero-copy in the specific case where you are sending large...

  • High-Water Marks

    ZeroMQ uses the concept of HWM (high-water mark) to define the capacity of its internal...

说明  · · · · · ·
