極度疼痛 (1)

  • 淋漓盡致的情感練習 第一次見到蘇菲.卡爾本人,是在2013年7月的亞維儂。我去看了她的展覽《二十號房》(Chambre 20),她坐在床上與朋友聊天,比起貓的標本、被燒掉一角的床、牆上的照片、文件等記憶,我更想盯...

罗马阳台 世间的每一个清晨 (1)

  • 第59页

Slaughterhouse-Five (5)

  • 第3页
    What he meant, of course, was that there would always be wars, that they were as easy to stop as glaciers. I believe that too. And, even if wars didn't keep coming like glaciers, there would still ...
  • 第151页
    Billy had lost track momentarily of where he was or how he had gotten there. He had no idea that people thought he was clowning. It was Fate, of course, which had costumed him-Fate, and a feeble wi...
  • 第150页
    Their terror evaporated. There was nothing to be afraid of. Here were more crippled human beings, more fools like themselves. Here was light opera.
  • 第99页
    Under morphine, Billy had a dream of giraffes in a garden. The giraffes were following gravel paths, were pausing to munch sugar pears from treetops. Billy was a giraffe, too. He ate a pear. It was...
  • 第20页
    My other book was Erika Ostrovsky's Céline and His Vision. Céline was a brave French soldier in the First World War-until his skull was cracked. After that he couldn't sleep, and there were noise...

夜读抄 (3)

  • 《性的心理》
  • 《清嘉录》
  • 第1页

Middlesex (5)

  • 第512页
    But I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about that word: “better.” What did my father mean? What were they going to do to me? Street sounds made it up to the room, curiously distinct, echoing off ...
  • 第471页
    But in the end it was not up to me. The big things never are. Birth, I mean, and death. And love. And what love bequeaths to us before we are born.
  • 第468页
    Night came again. In bed we went through the preliminaries, plumping our pillows, yawning. We tossed around to get comfortable. And then after an appropriate time of silence the Object made a noise...
  • 第464页
    The Object slept on her back. She told me once that back-sleepers were the leaders in life, born performers or exhibitionists. Stomach-sleepers like me were in retreat from reality, given to dark p...
  • 第396页
    I could smell her cinnamon gum. It was still in the back of her mouth somewhere. I didn’t look directly at her. I kept my eyes on the book. A strand of her red-gold hair fell onto the desk between...
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