当尼采哭泣 (2)

  • 介入爱情的权力
  • 去爱一个丰富、无惧的灵魂!

北方大道 (1)

  • 北方大道

Normal People (8) 更多

  • Marianne. Thoughts about C.
    When they drew apart Connell looked her in the eyes and said: I love you. She was laughing then, and her face was red. She was in his power, he had chosen to redeem her, she was redeemed. It was so...
  • Connell. Thoughts about M.
    What's left for them, then? There doesn't seem to be a halfway position anymore.Too much has passed between them for that. So it's over, and they're just nothing? What would it even mean, to be not...
  • Connell. Thoughts about M.
    This, after all, is the literal level on which the incident took place. She asked him to hit her and when he said he didn't want to, she wanted to stop having sex. So why, despite its factual accur...
  • Connell. Thoughts about M.
    Whatever there is between him and Marianne, noting good has ever come of it. It has only ever caused confusion and misery for everyone. He can't help Marianne, no matter what he does. There's sth f...
  • Marianne. at C's room
    It reminds her of how she used to feel in Sweden, a kind of nothingness, like there's no life inside her. She hates the person she has become, without feeling any power to change anything about her...
  • Connell. after the funeral
    ...Things happened to him, like the crying fits, the panic attacks, but they seemed to descend on him from the outside, rather than emanating from somewhere inside himself. Internally he felt nothi...
  • About Lukas
    He does have immaculate taste. He's sensitive to the most minuscule of aesthetic failures, in painting, in cinema, eve in novels or television shows. Sometimes when Marianne mentions a film she has...
  • Connell’s thoughts about Helen and Marianne
    By now the unspoken consensus is that Helen and Marianne don't like each other very much. They're different people. Connell thinks the aspects of himself that are most compatible with Helen are his...
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