Metaphors We Live By (1)

  • Concepts We Live By
    The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another.

The Algebraic Mind (19) 更多

  • Comparison to other Approaches
    Treelets vs. semantic networks First, standard semantic networks are extremely vulnerable to what we might call the damaged-grandmother-node problem. If a single grandmother node is a physical part...
  • Proposals for Implementing Recursive Combinations in a Neural Substrate
    1. ExternalSystemsThatCanRepresentRecursiveStructure two common external systems for representing recursive combinations, numbers, and sentences. Consider first the decimal number scheme. This syst...
  • Structured Knowledge in Multilayer Perceptrons
    The idea that the mind represents explicit, recursive structured combinations of elements has been challenged in two related but distinct ways. 1. A geometrical conception: P. M. Churchland (1986) ...
  • Evaluating competing models
    3 criteria for evaluating competing models: 1. a model should be able to add -ed freely to novel words, even those with unfamiliar sounds. 2. An adequate model should produce defaultlike effects ev...
  • Models of rule learning in infants
  • Temporal Synchrony
    An alternative possibility of registers is temporal synchrony (dynamic binding). My own view is that temporal synchrony might well play a role in some aspects of vision, such as grouping of parts o...
  • Registers
    Memory? A limitation of the binding schemes discussed so far is that none pro- vides a way of storing a binding. The bindings that are created are all entirely transitory, commonly taken to be cons...
  • Tensor Products
    proposed by Smolensky (1990) (大佬就在隔壁_(:_」∠)_ A tensor product is a way of representing a binding between a variable and an instance. A tensor product is not (by itself) a way of representi...
  • Alternative ways of representing bindings between variables and instances
    Cases in which humans can freely generalize UQOTOM on the basis of restricted data are problematic for multiple-nodes-per-variable multi-layer perceptrons trained by back-propagation. But this does...
  • Multilayer Perceptrons and Operations over Variables
    As it happens, many models that allocate just one node per variable rely on continuously varying input nodes rather than binary input nodes (analog encoding), whereas models that use multiple nodes...
    Universally quantified one-toone-mappings (UQOTOM) Two particularly important functions that are both universally quantified and one-to-one are identity (f(x) = x) and concatention (f(x,y) = xy. Al...
  • Symbols, symbol-manipulators, and Multiplayer perceptrons
    The trouble is that there are too many different ways of defining what is meant by a symbol. Advocates of symbol-manipulation assume that there is something analogous to external symbols (words, st...
  • Evaluation of preliminary connsiderations
    None of the preliminary considerations that apparently favor multilayer perceptions -- biological plausibility, universal function approximation, and the like -- is actually decisive. Instead, as i...
  • Two types of multilayer perceptrons
    Feedforward network Simple recurrent network (SRN): unlike feedforward network, SRN can learn something about sequences of elements presented over time. An example of feedforward network: Hinton's ...
  • Learning
    Most models are born with their weights initially set to random values. These weights are then adjusted by a learning algorithm on the basis of a series of training examples that pair inputs with t...
  • Why we need hidden nodes?
    Functions like AND and OR are easily represented in simple two-layer networs. many other functions cannot be represented so easily. For example, our simple network could not represent the functionn...
  • Multilayer Perceptrons
    Notes: units that have activation values, which in turn are simply numbers like 1.0 or 0.5. Input and output nodes also have meanings or labels that are assigned by an external programmer. The mean...
  • 第2页 Cognitive Architecture
    hmmm Most people associate the term (connectionnism) with the researchers who have most directly challenged the symbol-manipulation hypothesis, but the field of connectionism also encompasses model...
  • Preface
    But I am not an anti-connectionist; I am opposed only to a particular subset of the possible connectionnist models. The problem is that the term connectionism has become synonymous with a sinngle k...

Storytelling with Data (7) 更多

  • Think like a designer
    Highlight the important stuff • Bold, italics, and underlining: Use for titles, labels, captions, and short word sequences to differentiate elements. Bolding is generally preferred over italics ...
  • Color
    Resist the urge to use color for the sake of being colorful; instead, leverage color selectively as a strategic tool to highlight the important parts of your visual. The use of color should always ...
  • When redundant details shouldn’t be considered clutter
    hmmm确实,想到了我之前的图,似乎应该改一下。 I’ve seen cases where the title of the visual indicates the values are dollars but the dollar signs aren’t included with the actual numbers in the tab...
  • Clutter
    What matters most when it comes to our visual communications is the perceived cognitive load on the part of our audience: how hard they believe they are going to have to work to get the information...
  • To be avoided
    There are also some specific graph types and elements that you should avoid: pie charts, donut charts, 3D, and secondary y‐axes. It is also worth noting that when you display two datasets against ...
  • The 3-minute story & Big Idea
    • What background information is relevant or essential? • Who is the audience or decision maker? What do we know about them? • What biases does our audience have that might make them sup- ...
  • The importance of context

Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition, 3 Volume Set (1)

  • Analogical Reasoning
    A set of processes common to analogical reasoning of all types: Retrieval: Given some current topic in working memory, a person may be reminded of a prior analogous situation in long-term memory. M... (1回应)

阴阳师典藏合集 (1)

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