
  • 政治则与意识形态不同。政治立足于这样的假定:任何国家都存在多种生活方式,灵活的政治体制必须使其公民都能按照自己的意愿生活。这种做法的一个含义是,生活的大部分内容并不关乎政治,正如踢足球的大部分内容不是与裁判争辩。“一切都是政治”的说法准确无误地标志着用人治取代法治的意识形态图谋。 (查看原文)
    红胡子 5赞 2013-07-01 15:47:21
    —— 引自第107页
  • “专制主义”是一个笼统的名称,它包含许多不同的类型。非欧洲的各种文明几乎全都不可避免地被不同形式的专制体制统治过,而西方的思想创造则总是遭到各种专制统治者的敌视——从残暴的埃及法老到精神狂乱的罗马君王如卡利古拉和尼禄,还有印度和中国那样的远方异邦的皇帝。在欧洲,追求专制权力的人必须把自己伪装起来。欧洲人有时会被某种以诱人的理想主义面目出现的专制体制所蒙蔽——希特勒就使用过这种手法。这一事实提醒我们,专制主义在时间和空间上离我们都不远。许多国家至今还在专制主义统治之下,它随时都可能带来痛苦或死亡,人们就像生活在疯人院里。 (查看原文)
    胡伍玄 1回复 1赞 2013-02-18 16:29:47
    —— 引自第2页
  • 希腊人最清楚地意识到,他们完全不同于东方人。希腊人赞赏埃及、波斯这些东方帝国的绚丽文化,却又鄙视这些国度的统治方式。他们把这种外国制度称作“专制主义”,因为这种体制下治理者与被治理者之间的关系无异于主人和奴隶的关系。希腊人是武士,他们鄙夷东方臣民在君主面前匍匐下拜:他们无法忍受公民与当权者之间这种不平等的关系。两千多年后,我们完全继承了这种对匍匐下拜的习惯性反感,部分的原因是“匍匐下拜”是基督教中用来描述人与神之间的距离的一种意象。 (查看原文)
    胡伍玄 1赞 2013-02-18 16:31:26
    —— 引自第3页
  • one cannot judge the consequences of any reform until the generation in which was present has left the scene. (查看原文)
    埃里克·布莱尔 1赞 2013-04-22 16:35:21
    —— 引自第67页
  • And already it will be clear that it contained two quite opposite ideas: that of truth and that of falsity. Ideology meant a philosophical hygiene revealing truth for the ideologues themselves, and the very falsity which n3eeded to be cleansed for Marx. The problem of apparent contradiction disappears, however, when one realizes that the falsity of those false ideas is guaranteed by the truth of one’s own ideas. Ideology refers, as it were, to the negative and positive poles of the world, and therefore whatever contradicted them must be false – that is, ideological, which meant both false, and false because reflecting the wrong social location. The same ambivalent usage marks anarchist versions of the truth, or those of radical feminists. So long as one grasps this symbiosis, the term ideo... (查看原文)
    牛语 1赞 2013-10-01 01:41:50
    —— 引自章节:意识形态与政治
  • 2019-09-07 对那些打着道德旗号彻底改造世界的政治运动,却应保持高度警惕。良好的政治生活与专制主义不相容,可是,专制主义并非只有一种。历史上曾大行其道的专制君主,今天已不再受人追捧;但包裹着理想外衣的意识形态,却带来了现代僭政的新隐忧。因此,应力戒道德的泛政治化和政治的泛生活化。 2019-09-07 奇怪的是,臣民的这种被宰制状态倒使一些专制体制成为精神启蒙的著名发源地。在一个国度里,强权的反复无常也会引发一种回应,富有思想的臣民转向神秘主义、禁欲的斯多葛主义或是其他消极隐退的信仰。他们在超越感官的精神世界里找到了生活的真谛,而社会和政治生活则被贬低为一种幻象。这种趋势的后果往往是科学技术发展的长期停滞,只有短暂的繁荣算是例外。 2019-09-07 私人生活与公共领域之间的界限 2019-09-07 当代流行的思潮的确否定了进化的观点,并明确指出我们的观念带有浓厚的本地域和本时代的烙印;这种思潮还认为每一种文化都是平等的。表面看来,这种思潮像是一种怀疑主义,将我们从自己祖辈的傲慢中解放出来,因为这好像是把我们的观点降到了与世界上其他人同等的水平。这其实只是一个假象。当代流行的怀疑主义是一种虚伪的谦恭,它掩盖了这样一个顽固的信念:我们的开放心态使我们的相对人文主义比前人的僵化和异族文化的褊狭都要高明得多。 2019-09-08 我们在希腊人那里看到实现自由的大多数条件:人与人的关系完全平等,大家都只服从于法律,大家轮流做统治者和被统治者 2019-09-08 以上所说是形式上的准则。希腊的各种准则在我们的文明中留下了深深的烙印。现实当然要复杂得多 2019-09-08 古希腊人是人文主义者,但和当代的人文主义(经过基督教的改造)大相径庭。他们的基本信念是:人是理性的动物,人类生活的意义在于实践自己的理性。人如果屈服于感情就可耻地沦为了低等动物。如果傲... (查看原文)
    March 1赞 2019-09-30 23:39:25
    —— 引自第1页
  • 奇怪的是,臣民的这种被宰制状态倒使一些专制体制成为精神启蒙的著名发源地。在一个国度里,强权的反复无常也会引发一种回应,富有思想的臣民转向神秘主义、禁欲的斯多葛主义或是其他消极隐退的信仰。他们在超越感官的精神世界里找到了生活的真谛,而社会和政治生活则被贬低为一种幻象。这种趋势的后果往往是科学技术发展的长期停滞,只有短暂的繁荣算是例外。 (查看原文)
    Domenico 1赞 2020-03-07 19:45:24
    —— 引自章节:1 政治中为什么没有专制者的位置1
  • 一些鲁莽而又耽于幻想的理论家让许多人认识到与自由相近的一种理想叫做“解放”,这理想诱使又破又漏的航船上那些容易激动的乘客们赞成急剧地改变航向。有的尝试已经失败了,这并不奇怪,因为正如卢梭等人所说,奴隶造反的结果不是创建一个自由的社会,而只是更换了自己的主人。 (查看原文)
    1赞 2011-04-07 20:32:59
    —— 引自第89页
  • 生活的大部分内容并不关乎政治,正如同踢足球的大部分内容不是与裁判争辩。 (查看原文)
    2赞 2011-04-07 20:40:59
    —— 引自第107页
  • 极权国家的领导人讨好和哄骗民众,说他们是一切社会进步的源泉,然而这些领导人实际上根本不把民众放在眼里,他们杀戮人民,将意识形态的沉重精神负担强加在人民头上——这些都不会被遗忘。 (查看原文)
    2011-04-07 20:45:42
    —— 引自第116页
  • 在政治上穷人变得如此重要,简直不应当让这个阶层消失掉。的确,随着平均收入的提高,穷人的概念被重新定义,这样不仅可以保留穷人阶层,而且实际上增加了穷人的数量。 (查看原文)
    师北宸 2011-05-18 22:25:48
    —— 引自第111页
  • 把自由当作理想,那它永远只能是一个幻想。自由这东西很奇怪,它只能是一种我们已经拥有的财富。西方关于自由的理想对其他文明中的许多人具有不可抗拒的吸引力,不过这理想必须建立在某些形式的自我控制的基础上,而自我控制是不容易做到的。尤其是与自由相近的一种理想叫做“解放”。 (查看原文)
    师北宸 2011-05-18 22:26:20
    —— 引自第112页
  • 一位摄影家将某个自杀者割腕留下的把横放大成照片发表出来,报纸上的评论是:作品“展现了心灵袒露、形式美感、政治态度三者之间的微妙平衡”。一部电视肥皂剧中表现了打孩子、同性恋、绑架等社会问题,制片人说:“我有意识地决定将政治搬上屏幕。”于是,政治离开了立法机构、政府部门、竞选讲坛等熟悉的场所,却跑到大街上漫游,甚至侵入到隐秘的厨房和卧室里去了。“政治”变成了一个大体上与“价值”等同的名词。 …… 然而,政治的新含义则没有任何规限:有人割腕自杀,孩子在挨打,同性恋者受歧视,在这样的时候都应当采取政治行动。这就要求人们改变态度,从而最终建立起社会和谐。根据政治学中的著名公式,政治就成了“对价值观进行权威性的分配”。 (查看原文)
    都归尘土 1回复 2011-09-30 09:36:15
    —— 引自第109页
  • The essence of modernity lay in the development of this new sentiment of individuality: the disposition increasingly to guide one's life by one's own talents and inclinations rather than to fill the place into which one had been born. (查看原文)
    埃里克·布莱尔 2013-04-22 16:30:29
    —— 引自第44页
  • The secret of politics is to care about success, but not too much. (查看原文)
    埃里克·布莱尔 2013-04-22 16:38:08
    —— 引自第70页
  • Until the economy and the state have been distinguished, for example, there can be no modern theory of socialism, which is a reflection on the relation between politics and economy. Again, until culture had been distinguished from society, nationalism would have made no sense. Nationalism is the doctrine that every culture ought to be self-determining. This doctrine must be distinguished from the sloppy usage of nationalism to signify the passionate solidarity of established states in their quarrels with others of their kind – a quite different phenomenon. This confusion has yielded the mistaken theory that, since all conflict is caused by nationalism, the way to peace lies through the abandonment of sovereignty in favor of the rule of international authorities. (查看原文)
    牛语 2回复 2013-10-01 00:30:43
    —— 引自章节:分析现代国家
  • The basic point, we may suggest, is that socialism may refer either to belief in a fully just society, or to a political tendency to favor egalitarian and redistributive reforms when possible. Whatever it might be like, a fully just society would need no serious politics; it would be one of those projects of perfection which we shall call ideologies and which we shall discuss presently. And this is what the term socialism commonly signifies, especially to its adherents. That is why it has acquired a genuinely political partner, often called social democracy, where the addition of democracy signifies the political commitment which recognizes that the state is an institution that must respond to the current tastes and desires of its members, and therefore that any conception of a finally per... (查看原文)
    牛语 2013-10-01 00:38:17
    —— 引自章节:正义,自由和民主的议题
  • When we deliberate about something, we assume ourselves to be free and outside any system, but when other people deliberate about us, they take us as having fixed and more or less predictable characteristics within a system of understanding. It is a current philosophical cliché to insist that no one can escape the determining system constituted by race, gender, class, history, or other abstractions, and in one sense this is obviously true. But It would only be an interesting truth if the system constituted by race, gender, class, and history could tell us just how people are going to act. Since it cannot, we are left with a vacuous determinism: we can’t escape – whatever it is that we can’t escape! (查看原文)
    牛语 2013-10-01 00:44:11
    —— 引自章节:政治科学怎么做?
  • In this search, the analysis of modern societies into distinct associations is an invaluable framework of thought – but also one which threatens to destroy political science itself. For if the causes of what happens in politics are to be found in the economy, or social processes, or even culture, then politics is merely a set of effects, and loses its autonomy as a free and self-determining activity. One consequence would be that there is nothing in politics for a science to study. (查看原文)
    牛语 2013-10-01 00:59:16
    —— 引自章节:政治科学怎么做?
  • Above all, the name of politics itself. When concepts are stretched too far, they snap and lose their usefulness. “Politcs” used to refer merely to the actions aof monarchs, parliaments. And ministers, and to the activities of the politically committed who helped or hindered their accession to authority. Everything else was social or private life. With the expansion of the power of governments, nearly everything has come to be described, in one way, or another, as ‘political’. We may mention here just one fo the many reasons for this. Governments wishing to claim credit for all good things, and oppositions wishing to dispense blame for all bad things, have colluded in spreading the idea that all things, good and bad, are caused by political policies. This idea can turn subjects into petiti... (查看原文)
    牛语 2013-10-01 01:43:04
    —— 引自章节:专制与政治对立
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