《Daily Rituals》的原文摘录

  • 四点喝下午茶,接着出去散步,直到六点,尽职赞美平日的夕阳。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 如果每天能写半小时,一年一年累积下来,数量也不少。只是要确定每天你都等在哪里要写那半小时的稿子。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 写书或者写故事的时候,每天早上天一亮我就动笔,没人打搅;清凉的早上,有时会冷,写着写着就暖和起来。写好的部分通读一下,知道接下来会发生什么、会写什么就停下来。写到自己还有元气、知道下面该怎么写的时候停笔,吃饱了混天黑,第二天再去碰它。早上六点开始写,写到中午,或者不到中午就不写了,停笔的时候,你好像空了,同时又觉得充盈,就好像和一个你喜欢的人做爱完毕,平安无事,万事大吉,心里没事,就待第二天再干一把,难就难在你要熬到第二天。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 小说家米勒年轻时,经常由午夜写到黎明,直到后来他发现自己其实是早起族。1930年代初期,在巴黎生活的米勒改变了自己的写作时间,由早餐开始工作到午餐时光,睡个午觉,再接下来写一个下午,有时写到晚上。但等到他年龄渐长,却又觉得过了中午所做的一切都不必要,甚至还有反效果。他告诉一名访问者说:”我认为殚精竭虑,一下把灵感全都用完是不智的,你明白吗?我认为应该起身离开打字机,趁着自己还有东西要说的时候,先把打字机放下。“尽管他强调要保持规律的时间,才能培养日常的创作韵律,但光是早上花两三个小时,对他就已经足够。”我知道要维持这些真实的洞察力,必须要有相当高的纪律,要过有纪律的生活。“他说。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 尽管在福克纳的一生当中,他能够依需要适应各种写作时程,但通常他写得最好的时候还是早上。 福克纳最多产的时期,由1920年代晚期到1940年代初期,他以惊人的速度工作,每天经常可以写到三千字,有时还可以加倍。(他曾写信告诉母亲,他曾在上午十点至午夜中,单日写出十万字,创下个人最高纪录。)”我感动时,就会写作,“福克纳说:”而我每天都会感动。“ (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 1980年代初,他甚至每天把自己绑在书桌前,由上午十时到下午五时,但后来却渐渐故态复萌。1997年,他告诉记者说,他经常由正午工作到午夜。不过他又说:“我从不在早上工作,除非真是有了麻烦了。” (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 村上春树在写小说时,总是凌晨四点起床,连续工作五、六个小时。下午他则用来跑步或游泳(或者两者都做)、办杂事、阅读、听音乐,晚上九点上床。“我保持这样的作息,天天如此,从不改变,”2004年他告诉《巴黎评论》说:“这样的重复本身就很重要;它是一种催眠。我为自己催眠,以求更深入我的心灵。” (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 他还每天跑步,而且一直持续这个习惯,逾四分之一个世纪。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 我坐下写作时从不思索。因为我有太多其他的事要处理,比如我的孩子和教学,因此我不能思索。我的思索,思考各种想法,是当我驾车上班,或是在地下铁或是在割草时进行的,等我面对纸张时,东西已经在那里——我可以一挥而就。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 以作品丰富驰名的美国作家欧慈,已经发表了逾五十本小说,三十六本短篇故事集,以及数十册诗歌、戏剧和散文,她通常由早上八点或八点半开始,一直写到下午一点,然后午餐,并且让自己休息一下,到下午四点再开始工作,直到晚上约七点为止。有时候他在晚餐后继续写作,但通常她晚上都会读书。欧慈曾经指出,如果以她伏案所花的时间来计算,那么她的产量并不那么了不起。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 我一直都想要这样做,尤其自我孩子出生之后,我不可能晚上工作,白天睡觉,因此只好采用规律的朝九晚五工作时间。而且如果我一次工作超过三小时,脑袋就真的会开始不灵光了。因此我的想法是工作三小时,休息吃午饭,然后再回去工作三小时,接着再休息。有时我晚上可以回头继续工作,但基本上这只会产生反效果。到某个程度之时,我就会开始犯一大堆错误,结果第二天都花在修正上。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 过去,当我的孩子还幼小,我住在乡下,还是没没无闻的小说家之时,写作倒是有简直像帕夫洛夫制约反应那样的作息。校车走了,我就开始写作,校车回来了,我就停笔。但自从我搬到城市,孩子们都长大了,这个世界却仿佛付钱让我做任何事,就是不让我写稿(或者说,和文稿相关的活动往往都比真正的写稿有更高的酬劳,也更有吸引力)。 (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • “我的经验是,我所知大部分真正认真的创作者,都有非常非常严格的作息和不怎么特别突出的工作习惯,”亚当斯最近接受访问时说:“因为创造力,尤其是我所作的这种作品——不论是交响乐或是歌剧乐曲这种大规模的作品,都非常耗费力气。而且这是不可能靠助理帮忙的工作,你得完全凭自己独立完成。” (查看原文)
    左思 4赞 2017-01-02 13:28:48
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  • 康德给自己订的准则是,一天只吸一管烟斗,但据说多年下来,他烟斗的斗钵尺寸增大了不少。 (查看原文)
    [已注销] 1回复 2014-08-16 00:41:23
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  • “我喜欢黎明起床,狗群开始和我说话,而我喜欢生起火来,也许泡点茶,然后坐在床上看着日出。早晨是最好的时光,没有人迹。我天性喜欢没有人的世界。” (查看原文)
    simonfaye 1赞 2017-04-28 13:13:19
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  • "Routine, in an intelligent man, is a sign of ambition," Auden wrote in 1958. (查看原文)
    辛维木 2014-09-30 02:02:18
    —— 引自章节:W.H.Auden
  • Freud’s long workdays were mitigated by two luxuries. First, there were his beloved cigars, which he smoked continually, going through as many as twenty a day from his mid-twenties until near the end of his life, despite several warnings from doctors and the increasingly dire health problems that dogged him throughout his later years. (When his seventeen-year-old nephew once refused a cigarette, Freud told him, “My boy, smoking is one of the greatest and cheapest enjoyments in life, and if you decide in advance not to smoke, I can only feel sorry for you.”) Equally important, no doubt, were the family’s annual three-month summer vacations, which they spent in a spa or hotel in the mountains, going on hikes, gathering mushrooms and strawberries, and fishing. (查看原文)
    tjörn 2016-02-21 05:46:51
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  • In reality, Alma was not quite so sanguine about her new station as dutiful wife to a moody, solitary artist. (Prior to their marriage, she had been a promising composer in her own right, but Mahler had made her quit, saying that there could be only one composer in the family.) As she wrote in her diary that July, “There’s such a struggle going on in me! And a miserable longing for someone who thinks OF ME, who helps me to find MYSELF! I’ve sunk to the level of a housekeeper!” Mahler, for his part, seemed unaware of his wife’s inner turmoil, or else chose to ignore it. By the autumn he had largely completed the Fifth, and for the next several summers he would continue the exact same lifestyle, composing his Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth symphonies at Maiernigg. As long as the work was going ... (查看原文)
    tjörn 2016-02-21 05:50:00
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  • He found the nocturnal schedule easy enough to manage: he would sleep in the morning for a few hours, write all afternoon, visit his mother for coffee on the way to work, and take catnaps throughout his undemanding shift. (查看原文)
    tjörn 2016-03-07 03:55:54
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  • The siege began with an epiphany. On a late-night walk near Dublin harbor, Beckett found himself standing on the end of a pier in the midst of a winter storm. Amid the howling wind and the churning water, he suddenly realized that the ‘dark he had struggled to keep under’ in his life–and in his writing, which had until then failed to find an audience or meet his own aspirations–should, in fact, be the source of his creative inspirations. ‘I shall always be depressed,’ Beckett concluded, ‘but what comforts me is the realization that I can now accept this dark side as the commanding side of my personality. In accepting it, I will make it work for me.' (查看原文)
    tjörn 2016-03-21 19:12:40
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