So in the end, the homeward journey of life’s second half demands three things: First, that we unlearn the style of mastering the world that we used to take us through the first half of life; second, that we resist our own longings to abandon the developmental journey and refuse the invitations to stay forever at some attractive stopping place; and third, that we recognize that it will take real effort to regain the inner “home.”
The truth is that, although ours is a youth-oriented culture, many of us do not come into our own until our lives are half or three-quarters over. (查看原文)
To become something else, you have to stop being what you are now; to start doing things a new way, you have to end the way you are doing them now; and to develop a new attitude or outlook, you have to let go of the old one you have now. Even though it sounds backwards, endings always come first. The first task is to let go. (查看原文)
一直对个人成长类的书籍不感兴趣,认为他们大多是飘在半空中、缺乏现实指导意义的心灵鸡汤。但这本书出现的时间很对,也比我想象的要down to earth. 非常喜欢书的第一部分,ending, neutral zone, beginning的描述,至少让人知道a million people have gone thru or is going t...
1 有用 边文博 2019-06-24 12:15:55
2019-06-24 人类需要意义。结束、过度、开始三个过程也许对应了自然界中的灭绝事件。但生命演化不同,它是累积的。自然界重启的代价非常大,相较之下,人类的修改权力更大,针对不满意的内容,我们可以从更源头的位置更正,而自然只能在已有的基础上修改。这是人类的一大优势。 2019-06-23 幸福课(陈海贤,动机在杭州)第十章 结束与开始 推荐。
0 有用 西安大鹏 2009-07-09 12:22:08
1 有用 kang 2007-02-11 22:17:44
0 有用 羊羊羊羊一 2022-03-18 00:06:20
0 有用 Label 2022-11-19 20:16:22 上海