My first reading on Popper. One of my most respected philosophers. The original thinking of the understanding in developing our thoughts and the criteria in accepting and rejecting them in a scientific manner is what compels me most. Such insights and pedantic knowledge in classical philosophy as well as modern science is a perfect match.
1 有用 陈小憨˙Ꙫ˙ 2025-01-26 16:40:08 湖南
3 有用 merleau 2014-02-04 21:18:32
0 有用 Phyllis 2015-04-17 01:07:11
Now you know where Said's general idea comes from, right? Popper is one of the genesis of his whole theory.
0 有用 偷着哈哈哈 2022-07-24 19:19:18
0 有用 废梁 2016-02-07 11:14:51
0 有用 Primrose 2020-12-01 17:42:04
p 33-58
0 有用 nassse 2024-09-09 00:06:07 美国
p1-71 开放社会姊妹篇。。
0 有用 l'été 2024-12-02 10:56:02 天津
只看了部分,补一下…对truth as manifest的authoritatian揭示让人印象深刻,falsification的分界原理虽然并不是无懈可击,但是似乎很难再找到一个足够强力的替代,有种怎么说都可以被它整合进去的感觉,但是对科学认知之外的观点较弱
0 有用 Yandi 2011-09-25 22:39:50
My first reading on Popper. One of my most respected philosophers. The original thinking of the understanding in developing our thoughts and the criteria in accepting and rejecting them in a scientific manner is what compels me most. Such insights and pedantic knowledge in classical philosophy as well as modern science is a perfect match.
0 有用 OliOli 2015-12-20 13:29:54
Science is about falsification; yet the anomaly kills all.