
  • At length the Minowara Shoguns lost their power to others, to Takashima or Fujimoto descendants. And as the civil wars continued unabated over the centuries, the Emperor became more and more the creature of the daimyo who was strong enough to obtain physical ossession of Kyoto. The moment the new conqueror of Kyoto had slaughtered the ruling Shogun and his line, he would H-providing he was Minowara, Takashima, or Fujimoto with humility, swear al legiance to the throne and humbly invite the powerless Emperor to grant him the now vacant rank of Shogun. Then, like his predecessors he would try to extend his rule outward from Kyoto until he in his turn was swallowed by another. Emperors married, abdicated, or ascended the throne at the whim of the Shogunate. But always the reigning Emper... (查看原文)
    AnotherAndrea 2022-02-07 00:50:14
    —— 引自第71页
  • “Therefore the Netherlands— your allies— are in a state of rebellion against their lawful king?” “They’re fighting against the Spaniard, yes. But—” “Isn’t that rebellion? Yes or no?” “Yes. But there are mitigating circumstances. Serious miti—” “There are no ‘mitigating circumstances’ when it comes to rebellion against a sovereign lord.” “Unless you win.” Toranaga looked intently at him. Then laughed uproariously. He said something to Hiro-matsu through his laughter and Hiro-matsu nodded. “Yes, Mister Foreigner with the impossible name, yes. You named the one mitigating factor.” (查看原文)
    pussyeater 2023-11-27 11:22:11
  • 在这个泪水之邦,死亡是我们的世袭财产。 (查看原文)
    树上的犀牛 2024-04-28 23:09:13
    —— 引自第658页
  • 回想倒霉的事情是最容易的。如你对自已的思想放任不管的话,邪念将把你卷进无穷的痛苦深渊。然而,想愉快的事情就不那么容易了。这是件需要训练的事。所以,你得训练你的思想去回味那芬芳的香味,那抚摸绸子的感觉,那落在移门上的轻轻雨点声,那插花的曲线,以及拂晓时的恬静。到那时,你就会驾轻就熟,使自己受益无穷。 (查看原文)
    树上的犀牛 2024-04-28 23:07:44
    —— 引自第110页
  • For two seafarers,Captains,Royal Navy,who loved their ships more than their women -as was expected of them. (查看原文)
    2024-05-17 19:25:28
    —— 引自第10页
  • "Always ahead!Gottimhimmel,it wasn't in our orders to sail into the unknown.We should be back home by now,safe,with our bellies full,not chasing St.Elmo's fire." “Go below or hold your tongue.” (查看原文)
    1回复 2024-05-19 17:53:51
    —— 引自第16页