An essential reevaluation of the proper role of politics in contemporary life. A critical rethinking of the categories of politics within a new sociopolitical and historical context, this book builds on the previous work of the distinguished political philosopher Giorgio Agamben to address the status and nature of politics itself. Bringing politics face-to-face with its own failures of consciousness and consequence, Agamben frames his analysis in terms of clear contemporary relevance. He proposes, in his characteristically allusive and intriguing way, a politics of gesture-a politics of means without end.
Among the topics Agamben takes up are the "properly" political paradigms of experience, as well as those generally not viewed as political. He begins by elaborating work on biopower begun by Foucault, returning the natural life of humans to the center of the polis and considering it as the very basis for politics. He then considers subjects such as the state of exception (the temporary suspension of the juridical order); the concentration camp (a zone of indifference between public and private and, at the same time, the secret matrix of the political space in which we live); the refugee, who, breaking the bond between the human and the citizen, moves from marginal status to the center of the crisis of the modern nation-state; and the sphere of pure means or gestures (those gestures that, remaining nothing more than means, liberate themselves from any relation to ends) as the proper sphere of politics. Attentive to the urgent demands of the political moment, as well as to the bankruptcy of political discourse, Agamben's work brings politics back to life, and life back to politics.
Theory Out of Bounds Series, volume 20
Translation Inquiries: University of Minnesota Press
3 有用 vivo 2010-08-15 09:07:12
0 有用 琴酒 2016-02-11 18:13:57
……咦出了中译我这原文读的多花了两天干嘛…………anyway,What Is a People,Notes of Politics两篇很好看。将语言视为展现mediation的性质,也是唯一的能悬置end的方法吧。
0 有用 了了 2015-02-27 12:50:38
看见中译本 出版了,推荐一下。豆瓣上小组内有另一个译本,有不少值得商榷之处。不知纸媒的中译本怎么样。拭目以待
2 有用 豆沙馅的Hibana 2022-06-17 02:49:00
精辟的关键字断篇,甚至可以说是极好的阿甘本导读,只是务必看外文版。De potential intellectus, sive de libertate
0 有用 fairground 2020-07-24 07:51:58
What Is a Camp