《Unconventional Success》的原文摘录

  • 投资期限的影响 在制定投资方案时,成功的投资者会特别关注投资期限。投资者在意持有投资组合的时间,并会审视投资成果的期限,这两点决定了投资组合的风险承受程度,也是评估投资策略能否成功实施的关键。投资期限对资产配置决策的影响尤其重大! 资产配置决策取决于何时使用所投入的资金。比如,大学的储蓄计划会因为距离预期即将入学时间的远近而不同。一个两岁孩子的大学储蓄计划应当配置高风险、高预期收益的投资组合;一位高中生的大学储蓄计划则应该配置波动小、流动性高的资产。究其原因,年幼孩子的投资期限相对较长,可以承受较高程度的投资风险,以达到获取长期更高收益的可能。而较为年长的青少年很快要交学费,因此需要保持一定数量的银行存款以确保届时有钱可以拿来交学费。 通常,相对于为供孩子读书所做的储蓄,资产配置者通过投资积攒购房首付款的目标要模糊许多。比如,退休人士可能希望能够有稳定的资金流来支付当期消费,同时基础资产能够不断地增值以应对自己在未来的消费需求。 此外,大多数投资者都试图用自己投入的资金来满足他们的多个目标。年轻的投资者可能同时为购房、孩子的教育以及退休后的生活做储蓄。为了满足多个目标,投资者会为未来期望的现金流制订一个计划,从而确定与需求相匹配的投资期限。通过将不同的需求及愿望清单进行汇总,一个关于投资期限的完整蓝图会不断呈现。 可承受的投资风险大小取决于该笔资金将于何时被拿来使用。对于在未来1~2年甚至更短时间内就需要使用的资金,应将其投入银行存款、货币市场基金或者短期债券基金。通过避免客观存在的信贷风险及寻求低廉的管理费用,投资者解决了短线投资这一简单问题。 (查看原文)
    藤蔓仙子 1赞 2023-12-08 07:31:52
    —— 引自章节:投资期限的影响…………………………… (74)
  • Capital markets provide three tools for investors to employ in generating investment returns: asset allocation, market timing, and security selection. Explicit understanding of the nature and power of the three portfolio management tools allows investors to emphasize the factors most likely to contribute to long-term investment goals and deemphasize the factors most likely to interfere with long-term goals. Establishing a coherent investment program begins with understanding the relative importance of asset allocation, market timing, and security selection. (查看原文)
    chenjie66 2013-04-14 11:47:18
    —— 引自第11页
  • Asset-allocation decisions play a central rol in determining investor results. A number of well-regarded studies of institutional portfolios conclude that approximately 90 percent of the variability of returns stems from asset allocation, leaving approximately 10 percent of the variability to be determined by security selection and marekt timing. In fact, the studies cited reflect investor behavior, not finance theory. Investors gain important insights into questions of portfolio structure through understanding the forces that place asset allocation in a starring role, while leaving security selection and market timing in the wings. Three basic investment principles inform asset-allocation decisions in well-constructed portfolios. First, long-term investors build portfolios with a pronou... (查看原文)
    chenjie66 2013-04-14 12:12:36
    —— 引自第12页
  • 三大策略 指数化投资:大部分基金都跑不赢股指基金,用指数化投资平抑风险。 多元化投资:不同行业、地区、资产类型分配 定期再平衡:股票、地产、证券等等保持合理比例,定期重新调整资产比例,以平衡资产组合。 三种能获得投资收益的工具 资产配置 择时交易 证券选择 资产配置的决策在决定投资结果上起着主导作用,占据90%的作用,证券选择与择时交易占据10%的作用。 在结构合理的投资组合中 长期投资者在构建投资组合时应明显偏重股票 谨慎的投资者应构造一个非常多元化的投资组合 理智的投资者在构造投资组合时应考虑税负方面的因素 股票投资的长期收益率远比国债、债券优秀。 Haryy Markowitz:多元化十经济界中罕见的「免费午餐」,通过多元化投资,投资者可以在降低风险的同时保持收益不变,或者在风险不变的情况下提高收益。 择时交易对个人投资者的投资组合往往会产生负面影响,要坚持长期的资产配置策略。 一种由两种证券组成的投资组合的风险是市场风险的两倍到三倍 一种由二十种证券组成的投资组合的风险比市场风险高出1/3~2/3。 一种由五十种证券组成的投资组合和市场风险非常接近。 对于一种由几十种甚至几百种证券组成具有代表性的多元化股票型投资组合,其收益基本上由市场决定。 如果每个投资者在持有市场投资组合时都遵循被动管理的策略,那么他们都将获得市场收益。这样,证券选择就没有任何意义。 当然,大量的投资者都奉行主动管理的策略,试图战胜市场,获取超额收益,但是,一个主动的投资者只有在市场上其他投资者减持一只股票时才能增持这只股票,从定义上来看,增持的头寸必须等于减持的头寸,从而使股市上的总头寸保持不变。 很明显,根据这只股票随后的表现,加仓者和减仓者就分别成为了winer和loser。如果这只股票的表现比股市好,那么加仓者胜而减仓者败,反之。 如果不考虑交易费用,基金管理似乎就是一场零和游戏,即胜者... (查看原文)
    柠檬茶 1赞 2017-07-18 17:13:46
    —— 引自第1页
  • Three basic investment principles inform asset-allocation decisions in well-constructed portfolios. First, long-term investors build portfolios with a pronounced equity bias. Second, careful investors fashion protfolios with substantial diversification. Third, sensible investors create portfolios with concern for tax considerations. The principles of equity orientation, diversification, and tax sensitivity find support both in common sense and academic theory. Surprisingly, basic investment principles seem to find little support in real-world asset-allocation activity. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-06-02 21:41:01
    —— 引自第13页
  • Genertions of economics students who learned that “there ain't no such thing as a free lunch” may be surprised to discover that Nobel laureate Harry Markowitz called diversification one of the economic world’s rare “free lunch”. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-06-10 21:56:00
    —— 引自第17页
  • The story differs for individual investors. The available evidence points to a pattern of excessive allocation to recent strong performers offset by inadequate allocation to recent weak performers. Possibly, investors allow inertia to drive portfolio allocations, with asset class weights flowing and ebbing with the relative rise and fall of markets. Or maybe investors actively chase yesterday's winners while aggressively abandoning previous losers. The impact of market timing on individual investor portfolios generally falls into the negative category. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-06-14 11:19:22
    —— 引自第20页
  • In the portfolio construction process, diversification requires that individual asset-class allocations rise to a level sufficient to have an impact on the portfolio, with each asset-class accounting for at least 5 to 10 percent of assets. Diversification further requires that no individual asset class dominate the portfolio, with each asset class amounting to no more than 25 to 30 percent. The principle of equity orientation induces investors to place the bulk of the portfolio in higher-expected-return asset classes. Domestic equities, foreign equities, and real estate deserve large allocations, allowing the equity-oriented asset classes to drive long-term returns. Domestic bonds and inflation-indexed bonds receive low allocations, allowing the fixed-income-oriented asset classes to prov... (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-06-15 21:14:45
    —— 引自第33页
  • Savvy investors frequently seek companies with high levels of insider ownership. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-06-29 21:31:57
    —— 引自第46页
  • The best protection for investor against the shortcomings of equity investment lies in owning an all-inclusive, market -like portfolio of equity securities in the context of a well-diversified collection of asset classes. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-06-29 22:04:43
    —— 引自第47页
  • The best protection for investors against the shortcoming of equity investments lies in owning an all-inclusive, market-like portfolio of equity securities in the context of a well-diversified collection of asset classes. Although equity markets do not always deliver handsome returns in a steady, stable, inflation-hedging fashion and corporate managements sometimes fail to serve shareholders interests, equity investments remain a central part of thoughtfully assembled, long-term-oriented investment portfolios. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-03 21:53:33
    —— 引自第47页
  • The Treasury bonds' modest expected returns and adverse reaction to inflation argue for modest allocations to the asset class by long-term investors. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-03 21:53:33
    —— 引自第54页
  • A modest allocation to emerging markets stocks contains the potential to enhance the risk and return characteristics of most investment portfolios. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-03 21:53:33
    —— 引自第66页
  • In the term of risk and return, real estate falls between higher-risk equity and lower-risk debt.……With its inflation-sensitive nature, real estate provides powerful diversification to investor portfolios. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-03 21:53:33
    —— 引自第79页
  • Domestic and foreign equities drive portfolio returns, along with an assist from real estate. Conventional and inflation-linked bonds provide diversifying power, with real estate again playing a supporting role. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-03 21:53:33
    —— 引自第80页
  • Diversification and equity orientation represent important objective principles for long-term investors. Personal preference play a critical subjective role in portfolio decision making. Individual circumstances introduce important considerations to the portfolio structuring process.……Sensible investors consider financial asset allocations in a context that encompasses the broadest possible picture of individual assets and liabilities. Time horizon constitutes one of the most influential variables in structuring investment portfolios. The heart of the investment process lies in producing a coherent set of portfolio targets that reflect the science of applying basic investment principles and incorporate the art of meeting investor needs and preferences. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-04 20:41:40
    —— 引自第81页
  • Lack of conviction and absence of comfort cause investors to buy high and sell low, damaging portfolio returns. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-04 20:41:40
    —— 引自第85页
  • Rational investors consider liability positions when making asset allocation. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-04 20:41:40
    —— 引自第86页
  • Some evidence points to individual investor acceptance of a passive form of market timing that allow asset allocations to drift with ebb and flow of markets. More worrying, a fair number of individual investors engage in counterproductive performance chasing that results in buying high and selling low. Buying yesterday's winners and selling yesterday's losers inevitably hurts tomorrow's performance. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-06 22:03:17
    —— 引自第151页
  • Avoiding bull market purchases and forsaking bear market sales constitute first steps in sensible implementation of a reasonable investment program.……Supremely rational investors take the further step of acting against the consensus, rebalancing to long-term portfolio targets by buying the out-of-favor and selling the in-vogue.……,while providing evidence that few investors appear to pursue rebalancing activity. (查看原文)
    Cheng 2020-07-06 22:03:17
    —— 引自第152页
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