The Power Broker的书评 (4)

庄常飞 2017-10-21 20:32:50


作为美国非虚构的巨人之一,Robert Caro的作品一直享有盛誉。如评论家所说,这部Caro的成名之作长达千余页,但文笔非常流畅,并且把如此复杂的事情写得条理清晰、细节丰富。最重要的是,这部书籍的确揭露了美国的权力之道。主人公Robert Moses能够从一介书生到掌权数十年之久,...  (展开)
灵兮 2020-12-26 10:01:53

灯光,摄像头,化妆,还有一本精心摆放的1246页的《The Power Broken》(译文)


灯光,摄像头,化妆,还有一本精心摆放的1246页的书。 罗伯特•卡罗(Robert Caro)的传记《权力掮客》(The Power Broker)已经成为众多政治家和记者在家中直播时必备的道具。 By Dana Rubinstein May 28, 2020 译文/灵兮 这本书已经面世46年,平装本净重近4磅,而且这本书迄...  (展开)
EkEk 2018-05-17 09:21:11

扭腰人民的老朋友 Robert Moses


TPB在传记界的地位,应该和天龙八部在武侠小说里的地位一样吧。 在Upper West 的一家二手书店里,第一版的TPB卖到了220刀_(:з」∠)_ Today, it’s in its fifty-first printing. (2017 Dec) Non-fiction? Actually, what makes this gigantic book so amusingly readable is i...  (展开)
Hildy at beach 2021-10-17 11:42:25

Power shift


At first, I hesitated by the length of this book, when I started reading this book, I almost gave up due to its complexities, all the unfamiliar places, names, institutions and procedures. But more and more, I was attracted. From 1924 Moses was in power unt...  (展开)

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