
  • in the 198os, the United States, which insisted on strict terms for the re payment of Third World debt, itself accrued debts that easily dwarfed those of the entire Third World combined-mainly fueled by military spending. (查看原文)
    颂_you 1赞 2021-07-03 12:15:59
    —— 引自第6页
  • but one could easily make a case that the only reason it insists on treating these payments as "loans" and not as "tribute" is precisely to deny the reality of what's going on. (查看原文)
    颂_you 1赞 2021-07-03 12:15:59
    —— 引自第6页
  • What is the difference between a gangster pulling out a gun and demand ing you give him a thousand dollars of "p.otection money," and that same gangster pulling out a gun and demanding you provide him with a thousand-dollar "loan " ? In most ways, obviously, nothing. (查看原文)
    颂_you 1赞 2021-07-03 12:15:59
    —— 引自第7页
  • Tell people they are inferior, they are unlikely to be pleased, but this surprisingly rarely leads to armed revolt. (查看原文)
    颂_you 1赞 2021-07-03 12:15:59
    —— 引自第8页
  • Tell people that they are potential equals who have failed, and that therefore, even what they do have they do not deserve, that it isn't rightly theirs, and you are much more likely to inspire rage. (查看原文)
    颂_you 1赞 2021-07-03 12:15:59
    —— 引自第8页
  • For thousands of years, the struggle between rich and poor has largely taken the form of conflicts between creditors and debtors- (查看原文)
    颂_you 1赞 2021-07-03 12:15:59
    —— 引自第8页
  • (1) paying back money one has borrowed is a simple matter of morality, and (2) anyone in the habit of lending money is evil. (查看原文)
    颂_you 1赞 2021-07-03 12:15:59
    —— 引自第9页
  • For the "vanquished" as for most people in the world, actually-the most significant life expenses were weddings and funerals. These required a good deal of money, which always had to be borrowed. In such cases it was com mon practice, Galey explains, for high-caste moneylenders to demand one of the borrower's daughters as security. Often, when a poor man had to borrow money for his daughter's marriage, the security would be the bride herself. She would be expected to report to the lender's household after her wedding night, spend a few months there as his concubine, and then, once he grew bored, be sent off to some nearby timber camp, where she would have to spend the next year or two as a prostitute working off her father's debt. Once it was paid off, she'd return to her husband and begin... (查看原文)
    颂_you 1赞 2021-07-03 12:15:59
    —— 引自第9页
  • · 我们的父母及父母的父母——我们的祖先。我们通过生儿育女来偿还他们。 · 全人类。我们偿还他们的方式是慷慨地款待陌生人及维护基本的社交环境,使人们之间建立关系并且使共同生活成为可能。 但是,如果以这种方式进行,论证过程会破坏自身的前提。这些和商业债务完全不同。毕竟,一个人可以通过生儿育女来偿还对父母的债务,但是如果借钱给其他人,并不意味着他已经偿还了自己的债主。 (查看原文)
    赎罪羊 1赞 2024-06-14 15:42:28
    —— 引自章节:社会与债务
  • 这似乎很奇怪,因为我们习惯于将资本主义与市场看作是相同的东西,而正如伟大的法国历史学家费尔南·布罗代尔(Femand Braudel) 指出的,在很多方面,我们也同样可以将它们看作是相互对立的。市场是以货币为媒介交换财货的方式(在历史上,就是用剩余谷物换取蜡烛的方式,反之亦然。在经济学中这可以速记为C-M-C' ,也就是商品-货币-另一种商品),而资本主义则最主要是一种用钱生钱的艺术(M-C-M') 。通常,钱生钱最简单的方法就是确立某种正式或实际的垄断。出于这个原因,资本家(不论是商人巨贾、金融家还是实业家)总是试图与政治权威结盟,以限制市场的自由,这样他们就可以更轻而易举地让钱生钱。 (查看原文)
    里相玉 2021-03-08 08:42:49
    —— 引自章节:第十章:中世纪(公元600年-1450年)
  • 亚里士多德在论证货币不过是社会习惯时,使用的术语是symbolon 我们的“象征”(symbol) 一词正是由此派生出来的。Symbolon 一开始是一个希腊语词汇,意思是"符木" 一种一分为二来标识一项契约或协议的物件,也可以在 上面打上记号或将之打碎用于记录一笔债务。因此,英语中的“象征”一词最早可以追溯到记录某种债务契约的物件。这巳经十分令入惊讶了。不过真正让人目瞪口呆的是,现代汉语中的同义词”符”或“符号“有几乎相同的来源。 让我们从希腊词语“symbolon" 开始说起。餐桌上的两个朋友可以将某个物件(例如一个指环、一个关节骨、一片陶器)一分为二,造出一个symbolon 。在未来的任何时刻,他们之中若是有人需要对方的帮助,就可以拿出自己的一半,提醒两人之间的友谊。人类学家巳经在雅典发现了数以百计的类似物件,通常为黏土质地。后来这成了签署契约的方法,起见证的作用。这个词也可以用于指各种类型的凭证:那些给予雅典陪审员授权他们投票权的东西以及允许公民进入剧院的门票。它还可以指货币,不过仅指没有内在价值的货币:根据地方习俗才拥有固定价值的铜质硬币。在书面文件中, symbolon 还可以指通行证、契约、委托书或收据。延伸一下词义它就有了预言、前兆、征召的意思;最后有了我们现在熟悉的意思,即符号。 Symbolon 的词义演变为"符号”似乎有两条进路。亚里士多德十分注重符木可以有各种形式的事实:物件具体是什么无关紧要,要紧的是它可以一分为二。语言正是如此。词语是我们用于指示物体或观念的声音,但它们之间的关系是随意的:英语用“dog" (狗)指一种动物,用“god" (神)指一种神祗而不是相反及有任何特别的原因。社会习俗是唯一的原因,一种语言的所有使用者共同协定用某种声音指示某种东西。从这个意义上讲,所有词语都代表符人们随意的协定。当然,货币也是如此—一在亚里士多德看来,由... (查看原文)
    里相玉 3回复 2021-03-08 10:22:54
    —— 引自章节:第十章:中世纪(公元600年-1450年)
  • 从这种意义上讲,中国中世纪早期的佛教寺院代表了另一种极端。无尽藏之所以不会耗竭,就是因为通过不断出借资金收取利息而从不动用本金,它们可以有效地保证投资零风险。这就是要点。不同于伊斯兰教,佛教这样做也就造就了某种十分类似于我们今天所说的“公司”的实体我们有一个迷人的法律神话,将这种实体想象成人、不过它不会死去,不用经历纠结的婚姻、繁衍、衰老和死亡。中世纪有恰如其分的话语形容这种实体,它们与天使十分相似。 我们法律上有关公司的概念很大程度上是欧洲中世纪盛期的产物。将一家公司看作一个“拟制人”(persona ficta) 的法律观念对我们现代人而言再熟悉不过。这个拟制人,正如伟大的英国法律史学家梅特兰所说,”是不死的,可以进行起诉和被起诉,拥有土地,拥有自己的图章,以及制定管理那些组成他的自然人的规则”。这个法律观念最先是在1250 年教皇英诺森四世的教会法中确立的。而它最早适用的实体就是修道院同时还有大学、教会、市政局和行会。 恰巧,将公司看作一种天使般的存在的观念并非我的原创,而是我从著名的中世纪史学家恩斯特·坎托洛维奇(Ernst Kantorowicz) 那里借用来的。坎托洛维奇指出,所有这些恰好与托马斯·阿奎那发展出天使实际上只是柏拉图式理念的人化的概念同时发生。他写道:“根据阿奎那的理论,每个天使都代表一个物种。" 那么,法学家拟人化的集体(它在法学上是不死的物种)体现出天使所具有的所有特征是没有什么值得惊讶的……法学家自己也认识到,他们所抽象出来的概念与天使有某种相似性。从这个角度看,我们可以说,大大小小非物质的、天使般的实体逐渐开始占据中世纪晚期的政治学和法学思想的世界:它们是看不见的,没有年龄,永恒而不朽,有时甚至无所不在;它们拥有一种智力上,或神秘的躯体,堪比天堂里的“精神躯体”。 (查看原文)
    里相玉 2021-03-08 11:04:46
    —— 引自章节:第十章:中世纪(公元600年-1450年)
  • “欠债还钱。” 这句话如此有力的原因,就在于它实际上并不属于经济学范畴,而是属于道德层面的一个论述。毕竟,道德的全部内容不就是围绕人们应该偿还自己的债务而建立的吗?还给人们应得的接受责任;履行对别人的义务,就像期望别人也履行对你的义务一样。背弃已给出的承诺,或是拒绝偿还债务,还有比这更直白的例子来说明什么是逃避责任吗? 我意识到,正是这种不言自明,使得那句陈述颇为阴险。这是那种能使可怕的事情也显得无比温和与平淡的描述。这句话听上去无懈可击,但是一旦亲眼见证了它带来的后果,你就无法维持对它的认知。 我已经见识过了。 我在马达加斯加的高原上居住了将近两年。在我到达后不久,当地爆发了疟疾。这次疫病的爆发是致命的,因为很久以前疟疾便已经在马达加斯加高原上消失了。所以,经历过几代人的繁衍以后绝大多数人都丧失了对疟疾的免疫力问题是,政府需要经费来维持灭蚊项目的运转,因为灭蚊需要对蚊子进行周期性的测试,确保它们没有重新开始繁殖;而一旦证实蚊子开始繁殖,更需要马上开展灭蚊运动。尽管需要的经费并不算多,但是由于国际货币基金组织强加的削减开支项目,政府必须停止蚊子监控项目。 有一万人在这次事件中失去全了生命。我见到许多年轻的母亲因为失去自己的孩子而悲痛欲绝。花旗银行不负责任地贷出一笔款,金额小到对它的财务报表毫无影响。但是为了确保花旗银行不在这笔贷款上赔钱,他们就可以心安理得地牺牲一万人的生命——这很难说得通。但是在这里就有一位非常体面的为慈善机构工作的女士,她认为那是不言自明的。 毕竟,他们欠债,当然必须偿还债务。 (查看原文)
    Random(・・) 2021-03-23 23:36:18
    —— 引自章节:None
  • Actually, the remarkable thing about the statement "one has to pay one's debts" is that even according to standard economic theory, it isn't true. A lender is supposed to accept a certain degree of risk. If all loans, no matter how idiotic, were still retrievable--if there were no bankruptcy laws, for instance-the results would be disastrous. What reason would lenders have not to make a stupid loan? (查看原文)
    颂_you 2021-07-03 10:07:25
    —— 引自第3页
  • If history shows anything, it is that there's no better way to justify relations founded on violence, to make such relations seem moral, than by reframing them in the language of debt-above all, because it immediately makes it seem that it's the victim who's doing something wrong. (查看原文)
    颂_you 2021-07-03 10:07:25
    —— 引自第5页
  • One of the first things General Gallieni did after "pacification," as they liked to call it then, was to impose heavy taxes on the Malagasy population, in part so they could reimburse the costs of having been invaded, but also, since French colonies were supposed to be fiscally self-supporting, to defray the costs of building the railroads, highways, bridges, planta tions, and so forth that the French regime wished to build. Malagasy taxpayers were never asked whether they wanted these railroads, high ways, bridges, and plantations, or allowed much input into where and how they were built.1 To the contrary: over the next half century, the French army and police slaughtered quite a number of Malagasy who objected too strongly to the arrangement (upwards of half a million, by some reports, d... (查看原文)
    颂_you 2021-07-03 10:07:25
    —— 引自第5页
  • The most spectacular example of this is the history of the Republic of Haiti-the first poor country to be placed in permanent debt peonage. Haiti was a nation founded by former plantation slaves who had the temerity not only to rise up in rebellion, amidst grand declarations of universal rights and freedoms, but to defeat Napoleon's armies sent to return them to bondage. France immediately insisted that the new republic owed it 150 million francs in damages for the expropriated plantations, as well as the expenses of outfitting the failed military expeditions, and all other nations, including the United States, agreed to impose an embargo on the country until it was paid. The sum was intentionally impossible (equivalent to about 18 billion dollars), and the resultant embargo en sured that ... (查看原文)
    颂_you 2021-07-03 10:07:25
    —— 引自第6页
  • For the "vanquished" as for most people in the world, actually-the most significant life expenses were weddings and funerals. These required a good deal of money, which always had to be borrowed. (9) (查看原文)
    颂_you 2021-07-16 21:37:55
    —— 引自章节:第一章:基于道德困惑的经验
  • either shunt off responsibility onto some third party, or insist that the borrower is even worse. (查看原文)
    颂_you 2021-07-16 21:37:55
    —— 引自章节:第一章:基于道德困惑的经验
  • In the secular world, morality consists largely of fulfilling our obligations to others, and we have a stubborn tendency to imagine those obligations as debts. (查看原文)
    颂_you 2021-07-16 21:37:55
    —— 引自章节:第一章:基于道德困惑的经验
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