Part I. Field Theory:
1. Microscopic theory of radiation
2. Lorentz invariance and second quantization
3. Classical Field Theory
4. Old-fashioned perturbation theory
5. Cross sections and decay rates
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Part I. Field Theory:
1. Microscopic theory of radiation
2. Lorentz invariance and second quantization
3. Classical Field Theory
4. Old-fashioned perturbation theory
5. Cross sections and decay rates
6. The S-matrix and time-ordered products
7. Feynman rules
Part II. Quantum Electrodynamics:
8. Spin 1 and gauge invariance
9. Scalar QED
10. Spinors
11. Spinor solutions and CPT
12. Spin and statistics
13. Quantum electrodynamics
14. Path integrals
Part III. Renormalization:
15. The Casimir effect
16. Vacuum polarization
17. The anomalous magnetic moment
18. Mass renormalization
19. Renormalized perturbation theory
20. Infrared divergences
21. Renormalizability
22. Non-renormalizable theories
23. The renormalization group
24. Implications of Unitarity
Part IV. The Standard Model:
25. Yang–Mills theory
26. Quantum Yang-Mills theory
27. Gluon scattering and the spinor-helicity formalism
28. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
29. Weak interactions
30. Anomalies
31. Precision tests of the standard model
32. QCD and the parton model
Part V. Advanced Topics:
33. Effective actions and Schwinger proper time
34. Background fields
35. Heavy-quark physics
36. Jets and effective field theory
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1 有用 那慕尔 2018-09-29 18:44:45
0 有用 狄拉克之旋 2019-12-01 12:55:10
启发式教学方式,注意阐释量子场论的构造动机,很不错的一本书。 2020.10.15补充:看Peskin的间隙翻到这本书里讲旧式微扰论的那一段,感觉插入这一段非常有创意。我越来越欣赏这本书了。 2020.11.09补充:不区分上下指标这一点让人有点难受。
3 有用 逸世凌虚 2019-03-05 07:36:10
比 Peskin 讲得不知道高哪里去了。
3 有用 午谷各 2019-01-15 22:13:11
0 有用 Максим 2022-10-11 06:03:38 丹麦
2021/11/28 不要用它入门,闵氏时空不可以作为不区分上下标的原因。