The Trial and Death of Socrates的书评 (2)

Francisco 2010-08-27 22:51:31

when Socrates died

At the end, when read that Socrates died by the poison, though I am not convinced by his or Plato's argument about the imperishalbe and immortable soul, I was moved by his calmness facing the death. He is right, the real courage comes from the complete and...  (展开)
一把一个仙人掌 2019-09-28 02:17:03 Hackett Publishing Co.2001版

Political Philosophy Questions


I want to talk about the plague and the way it altered life in Athens, as well as, Pericles speech in which convinced Athens to stay the course. There are, I think three obvious tensions (that between human nature including some sense of self-interest AND ...  (展开)

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