Sincerity and Authenticity的笔记(13)

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  • Kiki

    Born Originals, how comes it to pass that we die Copies?( Edward Young)

    2014-04-22 11:22:15   1人喜欢

  • 芝加哥驴

    By its nature, pedagogy is at odds with the heroic genre of tragedy, to which it tacitly imputes a perverse self-indulgence, an arrogant disdain of reason, prudence, and morality. Tragedy, for its part, invites us to find in it some pedagogic purpose, but the invitation cannot really be thought to be made in good faith. We cannot convince ourselves that the two Oedipus tragedies teach us anythi...

    2022-11-12 17:15:56

  • 芝加哥驴

    The sentiment of being, it need scarcely be said, is the criterion by which Jane Austen judges the quality of the selves she brings into her purview. Whoever in her novels wins her regard-her compassionate or comic indulgence is another thing-possesses in a high degree the sentiment of being, with all that this implies of self-insufficiency, self", definition, and sincerity. So far as it is ind...

    2022-11-09 20:45:22

  • 芝加哥驴

    Hannah Arendt, in her book -On Revolution gives a subtle and impassioned account of the moral disposition of Robespierre, laying particular emphasis upon the theatrical character which he shared with all the men who, as she puts it, 'enacted the Revolution'. Their rhetoric was consciously that of the theatre, to which their metaphors made specific reference. It is of course the tragic or heroic...

    2022-11-09 20:30:21

  • 芝加哥驴

    Professor Henri Peyre, in his compendious Literature and Sincerity, says in effect that sincerity is to be thought of as pre~eminently a French concept because of the long intense preoccupation with it that the French have shown. It is an extravagant idea, yet it serves to suggest that there are national differences in. sincerity and that a distinction is to be made between the French and the E...

    2022-11-08 21:06:58

  • 芝加哥驴

    And although Mr. Williams does not say so, 'society' itselfis another such word. The provenance ofits present meaning is older thaIl that ofthe others, but it tocame into use at a particular time-in the sixteenth century and we can observe not only its ever;increasing currency but also its ever;widening range of connotation. Society is a concept that is readily hypostatized-the things that are ...

    2022-11-02 11:00:43

  • 芝加哥驴

    The original social meaning of the word 'villain' bears decisively upon its later moral meaning. The opprobrious term referred to the man who stood lowest in the scale of feudal society; the villain of plays and novels is characteristically a person who seeks to rise above the station to which he was born. He is not what he is: this can be said of him both because by his intention he denies and...

    2022-11-02 10:40:44

  • 梵舒 (Love and Create)

    看的英文版。 第一章 i和ii这部分主要是介绍了诚(sincerity)和真(authenticity)这两个概念各自的涵义和区别。“诚”并不是一个自古以来就有的概念。作者认为,在欧洲道德生活的一定时期,“诚”作为一种自我的特质(quality)被介绍进来。在一定的历史时期,特定阶层的人把“诚”看作非常重要的品质,这种对“诚”的强调在西方文化中持续了四百年(Trilling 1972,5-6)。 具体来说,“诚”指的是对外所展现的自我,或者说人所...

    2020-05-25 06:36:04

  • 无脊椎

    Inevitably we entertain the speculation that, since the aggressivity of the superego has some part of its tortuous etiology in its societal arrangement which would have the effect of lessening ego-aggression might induce the superego to abate its characteristic fierceness. Freud himself, in the concluding pages of Civilization and Its Discontents, raises the question of how far this project is...

    2020-03-13 14:09:13

  • 无脊椎

    We mistake the nature of the superego when we make it exactly synonymous, as we commonly do, with conscience. Only up to a point are the two coextensive. The operations of conscience are determined by its practical social intentions, but the superego is under no such limitation are in consequence its activity is anything but rational. The process it has instituted against the ego is largely ...

    2020-03-13 13:52:26

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Sincerity and Authenticity

>Sincerity and Authenticity