Big Little Lies的笔记(13)

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  • 豆浆人没有心

    (Madeline googled Saxon Banks and thought) What would she have done in Jane's. situation? She couldn't imagine herslef reacting the way Jane had. Madeline would have slapped him. ... Perhaps this man specifically picked out girls who he knew would be vulnerable to his insults. Or was this line of thought just another form of victim blaming? This wouldn't happen to me. I would have fought. He w...

    2019-07-03 11:48:10   1人喜欢

  • 豆浆人没有心

    两年前特别喜欢一个男孩子,喜欢到分开的时候一定要拉黑他所有的联系方式,手动创造一种了无音讯的环境才能渐渐缓过来。最近恢复了联系,对话的时候总有一种romantic feeling褪去之后熟悉与陌生交织的感觉,却不知道怎么articulate,直到看到这里: when she thought about Zach now it was remembering an old school friend, someone she would hug with geuine teary tenderness if they met at their school reunion, and t...

    2019-07-03 11:27:13   1人喜欢

  • lauren

    那个男人对Jane最深远的伤害并不是性暴力,而是侮辱性的语言。Jane对Madeline叙述这件往事时,那些语句她都没有费力去想,而像是喃喃自语的背诵出来的,可见这几年来这几句话从未从她的脑海里离开。 Jane本身是个有知识的女性(她在学校里读的是法律),所以她会把这个问题想的更深刻: 为什么"丑" "胖" 这种字眼对她形成了那么深的伤害,让她从那以后食不知味,让她一面瘦下来,一面又不愿意瘦,因为那样就显得好像真是为他而瘦...

    2017-07-15 16:01:50   1人喜欢

  • tunjing (A mosquito, my libido)

    again 因为看过剧的关系 人物形象被锁 少了乐趣 无奈

    2022-07-19 13:33:07

  • lauren

    Madeline很。。。突然想不出合适的词来形容。。。 当你Nathan只说受不了了,撂下她和新生的一直哭一直哭的Abigail就走了。 Madeline一人带大Abigail,单亲妈妈的辛苦。这也是她为什么对Jane格外维护的原因,看着Jane就像是看到当年那个独力面对一切的自己。 可是孩子长大了,能照顾自己了,用咱们的话讲就是能放手了,她却突然去跟生父继母亲近。而当年那个渣男Nathan,在女儿还在襁褓中的时候抛弃妻女,到如今却变身成了超级好...

    2017-07-17 11:25:14

  • 脱氧核糖十三

    She didn't know how to be around Abigail anymore. It reminded her of trying to be friends with an ex-boyfriend. That studied casualness of your interactions. The fragility of your feelings, the awareness that the little quirks of your personality were no longer so adorable; they might even be just plain annoying. They discovered that the years surrounding the onset of adolescence are among the ...

    2017-01-05 01:08:27

  • 漠上

    1.bully的真实身份是全书仅次于saxon bank身份的第二大shock。 2.jane所说的社会对于女人的看法到现在依旧让人深有共鸣,但结果jane还是变漂亮了之后拥有了更美好的生活,虽然美貌并不是美好未来的决定性因素,但也充分证明了所有女人,无论你愿不愿意,承不承认美貌的重要性,最后还是得屈服于它的桎梏之下。但小说当中剪剪头发就变美的桥段现实生活中又怎么可能上演呢?所以这才是我们这么乐于在小说电影中看到它的原因吧!

    2016-04-24 15:57:15

  • 我只有两只脚 (世人不过都是糊涂的神)

    Tom suddenly put his hand on Jane’s arm. “Oh my God.” “What?” said Jane. He was looking out to sea as if he’d seen something. “I think I’m getting a message.” He put a finger to his temple. “Yes! Yes, I am. It’s from Victor!” “Victor?” “Victor Berg, who loved to walk around this headland!” said Tom impatiently. He jabbed a finger at the plaque. “Vic, mate, what is it?” “God, ...

    2015-01-30 14:51:48

  • 我只有两只脚 (世人不过都是糊涂的神)

    “You were curvy,” said Madeline, handing back the phone. “Not fat. You look gorgeous in this photo.” “It’s sort of interesting when you think about it,” said Jane, glancing at the photo once before she flicked it off with her thumb. “Why did I feel so weirdly violated by those two words? More than anything else that he did to me, it was those two words that hurt. ‘Fat.’ ‘Ugly.’” Sh...

    2015-01-14 15:01:50

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Big Little Lies

>Big Little Lies