第五波的书评 (4)

Trevor 2018-06-19 14:33:23 Penguin2013版

Mind Blowing

I thought the overall plot could be executed better if the author makes less twists in the middle of the chapters. There are way too many back-and-forth between Cassie and Evan regarding how she looks upon him. If the writing is already exaggerated so be fe...  (展开)
我尼玛爱嫂子? 2016-04-09 01:44:49

3部曲第一部 剩下是无垠之海和 the last star 前2部繁体版,最后一部英文版


3部曲第一部 剩下是无垠之海和 the last star 前2部繁体版,最后一部英文版 https://www.amazon.cn/The-5th-Wave-The-Last-Star-Yancey-Rick/dp/0141345942/ref=pd_sim_sbs_14_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=51oQrPMBLTL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR104%2C160_&refRID=Y5Z3S6DAMJZ3S...  (展开)
曈阅读 2019-08-29 10:40:02 Penguin2013版

Review-The 5th Wave (The 5th Wave, #1) by Rick Yancey

I can truely say that I have been severely disappointed, which is a real shame since I went into this book thinking that I would at least like it and maybe that it would be riveting, fast paced, punchy with very loveable characters. Needless to say, unfo...  (展开)
有一些书评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
小鱼儿2016 2017-10-08 12:44:45



2012年主打YA科幻小说《第五波入侵》三部曲之一,是一部激动人心又充满奇想的反乌托邦小说,描述勇敢无畏的女孩凯西在经历当代地球遭到外星人入侵之后的劫后余生的故事。 又一部成功刻画外星人入侵地球的奇幻史诗! 美国的科幻小说实力总是名列前茅,在读这本第五波入侵的时候...  (展开)
