Irin Carmon
Shana Knizhnik 出版社: Dey Street Books 副标题: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg 出版年: 2015-10-27 页数: 240 定价: USD 19.99 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780062415837
1. Notorious
2. Been in This Game for Years
3. I Got a Story to Tell
4. Stereotypes of a Lady Misunderstood
5. Don't Let'Em Hold You Down, Reach for the Stars
6. Real Love
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1. Notorious
2. Been in This Game for Years
3. I Got a Story to Tell
4. Stereotypes of a Lady Misunderstood
5. Don't Let'Em Hold You Down, Reach for the Stars
6. Real Love
7. My Team Supreme
8. Your Words Just Hypnotize Me
9. I Just Love Your Flashy Ways
10. But I Just Can't Quit
· · · · · · (收起)
(This happened during RBG and Marty's years at Ohio) Seeing the unfairness of petty bureaucracy and how it fell harder on some people's shoulders than others, RBG began bending the rules, just a little. Week after week, she saw the same weathered faces coming in to try to register for Social Security, only to be sent back to look for the right papers. These visitors had no birth certificates, because when Native Americans had been born, no one official thought their births were worth recording. RBG silently decided that if someone looked sixty-five, a hunting or fishing license would do. (查看原文)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, architect of legal strategies in women's rights movement and the notorious dissenter from the highest bench of the American legal system. Thanks to the book and the internet, to r...Ruth Bader Ginsburg, architect of legal strategies in women's rights movement and the notorious dissenter from the highest bench of the American legal system. Thanks to the book and the internet, to role models like her to tell us women truly can have it all. "We are here to win, not to rock the boat when not strictly necessary"—自勉。我翻译的中文版终于要出了呢!(展开)
7 有用 我只有两只脚 2018-12-20 14:33:30
偶像级人物;elegant, assertive, super accountable and brilliant
2 有用 ValarMorghulis 2016-05-25 05:55:46
有趣的RBG传记,主要讲述了她从诉讼律师到大法官一贯务实克制的平权运动,直到最近几年对罗伯茨上任后的右倾严重不满、选择不再克制。作为一本轻松读物还是很不错的。 敬请期待我家小狐梨即将翻译出版的中文版《”臭名昭著”的金斯伯格》!
1 有用 NoNo 2019-12-23 07:21:39
粉丝能做到这份上 无憾了!天赋 幸运 缺一不可
45 有用 狐梨酱 2016-02-12 10:18:09
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, architect of legal strategies in women's rights movement and the notorious dissenter from the highest bench of the American legal system. Thanks to the book and the internet, to r... Ruth Bader Ginsburg, architect of legal strategies in women's rights movement and the notorious dissenter from the highest bench of the American legal system. Thanks to the book and the internet, to role models like her to tell us women truly can have it all. "We are here to win, not to rock the boat when not strictly necessary"—自勉。我翻译的中文版终于要出了呢! (展开)
0 有用 monomania 2015-11-30 13:00:14
The arc of gender equality is long but it will bend towards justice at the insistence of such iron ladies as our notorious RBG.