“When Ethel said we should give everyone free education and free health care and unemployment insurance , I told her she was living in a dream world . But now look : everything she campaigned for has ...“When Ethel said we should give everyone free education and free health care and unemployment insurance , I told her she was living in a dream world . But now look : everything she campaigned for has come to pass , and yet England is still England .” 艾瑟尔真是我的偶像,也想度过这样充实而有意义的一生。(展开)
0 有用 optman 2017-07-26 00:20:10
0 有用 百里初灵 2022-10-25 13:17:09 澳大利亚
“When Ethel said we should give everyone free education and free health care and unemployment insurance , I told her she was living in a dream world . But now look : everything she campaigned for has ... “When Ethel said we should give everyone free education and free health care and unemployment insurance , I told her she was living in a dream world . But now look : everything she campaigned for has come to pass , and yet England is still England .” 艾瑟尔真是我的偶像,也想度过这样充实而有意义的一生。 (展开)
0 有用 嘀嘀咕咕 2020-11-08 19:41:12
中文看了一半改看英文版的才看完了 第三部人物太多太散啦
0 有用 京城司南 2018-10-19 00:58:48
0 有用 harry2314 2017-06-15 21:42:46
终于读完了这部大部头,和贯穿前两部战争的背景不同,最后一部的主题转到到冷战,人权,流行音乐的兴起等方面。看着第一部的主角们逐渐落幕,而各自的孙辈还在继续着自己的悲观离合,给人一种沧桑感。 全球的视角很好的帮我串起来一些历史事件,仿佛身在其中,和平不易,更要珍惜。