Algorithms to Live By的书评 (18)

子珂 2019-11-16 21:10:15


很久以前就知道这本书了,不过看着"算法"两字实在没兴趣。直到某天翻Google Talks, 发现作者的讲座很受欢迎,看了看才发现确实很有意思 放在国内的语境下,这本书叫"心智模型",或model thinker可能好一点 介绍里写 "A fascinating exploration of how insights from computer ...  (展开)
weakish 2018-02-08 00:42:04


这本书,算法科普得并不清楚,结合生活的部分又很啰嗦。不过这个思路是值得肯定的。有时候编程的时候知道用算法,一到生活中就忘了用。比如第3章“排序”,就提到让东西乱糟糟的有时反而是最高效的。编程的时候都知道,如果以后不搜索或极少搜索,那就没必要排序。但生活中有时...  (展开)
[已注销] 2018-08-29 01:20:14


从运动联盟排对阵表的角度看几种排序算法的角度倒是新颖。从第六章贝叶斯之后开始起飞了。从 overfitting 飞跃到了进化中的滞后,第七章 randomness 提到的 Monte Carlo 原来是被正经在研究原子弹的时候发明出来的,我当初还觉得自己用它省去了一些数学证明是作弊,turns out s...  (展开)
一一多多 2016-09-16 23:11:40



Algorithms to live by: 1. Optimal stopping problem: 37% for apartment hunting: grab the first after that threshold. 2. People don't need therapist, they need an algorithm. 3. Algorithm is not confined to mathematics. It stems from the Stone Age. 4. Science...  (展开)
魔公子 2022-07-20 22:24:09


[Algorithms to Live By] 去年表哥家有了第二个孩子,明显觉得原来的房子太小,就想换个大点的。当时正好有个朋友告诉他,他家附近有些新房。他跟表嫂去看了—下,当场就决定买,第二天找了个房产经纪人就签合同了。 房产经纪人对他们的快速决定表示了赞赏。我就问他,跟你买房...  (展开)
Ms Cellophane 2018-01-08 05:09:32

Just to keep me reading

在Amazon的实体店看到这本书,男朋友说他那位饱读诗书的室友也觉得不错,这才打算投入时间读一读。 开头惊艳,apartment hunting,这么个艰难纠结的过程居然能给出一个精确的数字来解决?没错,用37%的时间/精力/candidates来建立你的baseline,之后再用这个baseline来判断剩...  (展开)
尽欢 2017-07-23 14:55:04


秘书问题”:想象你在面试一秘书,你希望能在应聘者里找到最好的人,但你并不知道怎样的人会来应聘,所以你一个个人轮流面试。你可以随时发offer,但你如果在面试后没有马上给对方offer,他就从此离开去其他地方工作了。你怎么才能知道眼前这个应聘者是最好的呢? 万能的计算机...  (展开)
魔公子 2022-04-25 12:30:55


我们在生活中讲道理经常会引用一些谚语和鸡汤,可是这些东西如果放在一起看,常有互相矛盾的地方。比如逻辑学家金岳霖,很早就注意到“金钱如粪土”和“朋友值千金”这两句话不可能都是对的,否则就等于说“朋友如粪土”。 [Algorithms to Live By] 想要避免价值观紊乱,我们需...  (展开)
Serendipity 2017-10-11 09:18:24


买房子找对象,用37%法则(设置一个截止日期,比如35岁,你就挑选到从现在到35岁的37%,然后从那以后只要遇到比之前都好的对象就敲定吧) 生活工作避免过度拟合(也就是关注太过多细节了),可以是限定内容长度和限定思考时间,一开始就标出核心重点。 人生简单到复杂再简单的...  (展开)
潘达 2023-04-21 09:11:42

razor blade

Gittins index:explore/exploit trade off optimal stop burglar game(just like play with tyrant)best strategy is dont get involved in the first place oblige competitor to keep track of the ever shifting status rat race rather than rat fig...  (展开)
小鱼干 2022-10-10 16:46:49

key message of this book

The key message in this book is that algorithms aren’t incomprehensible things designated for mathematicians and computers. We actually use algorithms in our daily lives, even if we’re not conscious of it happening. The problem-solving knowledge from algo...  (展开)
PreSSStart 2019-03-29 08:50:03

Had to write this as review since it's too long as a comment and can't publish without a title

Everything in this book is "common sense" to computer scientists and explains why computer scientists think and act in peculiar ways seen by the general public. This should really be common sense for everyone in grade schools nowadays given the fact that: 1...  (展开)
PreSSStart 2019-03-29 08:49:56

Had to write this as review since it's too long as a comment and can't publish without a title

Everything in this book is "common sense" to computer scientists and explains why computer scientists think and act in peculiar ways seen by the general public. This should really be common sense for everyone in grade schools nowadays given the fact that: 1...  (展开)
呵呵呵呵呵呵 2018-12-16 16:36:11


1.The 37% rule defines a simple series of steps—what computer scientists call an “algorithm”—no ,algorithm is a “exacting” standard ,the point is not simple !is exacting!the ability is hard to exacted but the point of knowledge could be.and you kn...  (展开)
呵呵呵呵呵呵 2018-12-16 16:34:58


boring give up1.The 37% rule defines a simple series of steps—what computer scientists call an “algorithm”—no ,algorithm is a “exacting” standard ,the point is not simple !is exacting!the ability is hard to exacted but the point of knowledge could...  (展开)
呵呵呵呵呵呵 2018-12-16 12:35:15

1.The 37% rule defines a simple series of steps—what computer scientists call an “algorithm”—no ,algorithm is a “exacting” standard ,the point is not simple !is exacting!the ability is hard to exacted but the point of knowledge could be.and you kn...  (展开)
asterisk 2017-08-12 19:03:39


rt,这本书非常适合非cs专业的人作为科普读物来了解cs里面一些经典而又深刻的概念,当然我个人觉得即使是计算机专业的同学,也可以迅速的翻一翻,因为和教材不同,这里面更侧重的是和生活工作里面一些具体概念上的联系 里面有十多章,每一章也基本是独立的概念,印象比较深的是...  (展开)
有一些书评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
撒欢狂奔野狗子 2020-04-02 19:31:55


终于读完了,有些失望。 开始的时候还挺有趣的,摆了一个应用题,让你考虑。有一些有趣的计算机方面的问题与算法。但是算法是无穷无尽的,作者们似乎一直在掉书袋,给了引文参考,一些历史的注记,但是导致书的脉络支离破碎。想象一下,这本书的难度比维基百科还低,但是想要覆...  (展开)

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