
  • (Kracke and Ho's) mobility thesis and its accompanying model of Chinese society has come under challenge in recent years... First...it confuses status group with class... Second...ignores ssuch critical factors as lineage,marriage relationships, and even siblings and uncles... (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:11:33
    —— 引自章节:1 Introduction: the examinatio
  • marriage, not examinations, was the critical criterion for entrance into a socially-defined elite...however... First...it does not rove that examinations were unimportant... Moreover...examination was (not) the completely dependent variable...even as marriage could aid one in the examinations, so could examination success be of benefit for social climbing through marriage. Second, there is an inherent imprecision in speaking of "elite lineages," for Chinese lineage could be extremely heterogeneous bodies, as their common charity provisions for poor members bear witness.To belong to an elite lineage did not mean that one was elite, although the connection undoubtedly conferred many benefits upon the poor member unavailable to his unconnected neighbors. Thus under the umbrella of the lineage... (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:11:33
    —— 引自章节:1 Introduction: the examinatio
  • conjunction between institution and society..emphasis will be upon the social functions of the examination system and people's perceptions of it, and esp. how those changed during the 3 century span of the Sung. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:11:33
    —— 引自章节:1 Introduction: the examinatio
  • The executory and administrative classes of the civil and military services were known collectively as 四選 (p21) (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:23:28
    —— 引自章节:2 The structure of recruitment
  • on the civil service, its examiniations and their social functions. 2 important, but rather paradoxical characteristics of the military service. 1st,...primarily... through some form of kin-based privilege...2nd, a sizeable minority(23%) of the military service entered from either the ranks or the clerical service. This suggests significant social mobility... Finally, civil service recruitment privileges were available to military officials. p22-23 (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:23:28
    —— 引自章节:2 The structure of recruitment
  • socially...very important, for they conferred official status with its attendant benefits upon many who would never have passed the regular examination. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:23:28
    —— 引自章节:2 The structure of recruitment
  • (进士)was less of a requirement for high office in the 12th century than it had been previously.... ...more families received major protection privileges in 南宋... Holding a court-level position was a risky affair in 南宋...as constant factional struggle took its toll... it also meant that more families reached high office and thus gained, at least momentarily, the great protection privileges that that entailed.(p.29) (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:23:28
    —— 引自章节:2 The structure of recruitment
  • the majority of students entered through routes open to non-officials,... privileged entry continued to exist...The most common: 補试... ...a remarkable and highly visible group in 开封 and, later, in 临安... ...also received certain material benefits...<原文开始> (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:23:28
    —— 引自章节:2 The structure of recruitment
  • the government routinely announced exemption allowing past 举人 to go to the metropolitan examinations without again qualifying. This, conbined with the provisions for 方便考试, meant a young 举人 had a very good chance of receiving at least 方便学衔 at some future point, even without further success in the regular examinations. p52 像明清的生员一样,他们是一个边缘集团 举人 numbers did not grow over time. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:23:28
    —— 引自章节:2 The structure of recruitment
  • associated with the examiniations both through their education (curriculum), and through their personnel, who managed much of the examination preparation. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:23:28
    —— 引自章节:2 The structure of recruitment
  • Even as the examinations were becoming more popular they were becoming less important bureaucratically.(p.41) (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-09 21:23:28
    —— 引自章节:2 The structure of recruitment
  • for Sung elite society was quite mobile...Not only were officials...開封 acted as a magnet to literati. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 16:50:03
    —— 引自章节:3 For the utmost governance——宋
  • The elite indeed used the examinations for their own self-perpetuation...through privileged movement through the examinations rather than by (韓明士:) controlling entrance to them. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 16:50:03
    —— 引自章节:3 For the utmost governance——宋
  • through the appointment of preceptors(教授)...the first occasion on which the Sung government appointed regular, executory class officials as teachers at local schools...making the local schools more than jusst occasionally functioning institutions. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 17:16:37
    —— 引自章节:4 To be rooted in schools: the
  • the last period of wide-scale creation of government schools, resulting in the first true empire-wide system of schools in 宋...The financial resources which the government devoted to education were unprecedented... (景德元年)an intriguing and revealing addition...Provisions were promulgated for the rapid education and promotions of students of outstanding virtue... ...For while the early reformers like 范文正公 tried to demonstrate the relevancy of their Confucian principles to the pressing problems of the day, the later reformers (e.g.王介甫,蔡京) insisted that particular sets of principles and particular applications of them be taught. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 17:16:37
    —— 引自章节:4 To be rooted in schools: the
  • somewhat un-Confucian, since it ignored the cardinal principle of service to the ruler and to society. But it was undertaken with moral fervor the opposition to the examination life was in fact qualified; criticism of the effects of the examinations on education and society seldom extended to condemnation of the examinations as such, which were recognized as necessary. Rather it was how one studied and approached the examinations that was considered important. (例:象山白鹿洞書院講義) p.92 (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 17:16:37
    —— 引自章节:4 To be rooted in schools: the
  • Thus numerically at least, the northern refugee impact upon 南宋 examinations appears to have been minimal.(p.96) (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 17:45:16
    —— 引自章节:5 The failure of fairness: 南宋
  • in a completedly decentralized fashion ...were given a separate, extremely competitive examination.Known both as 同文館試and兩浙轉運司附試 or 附試 for short, it was started in 1144(紹興十四年) official families...(因為在京考試競爭激烈) made increasing use of 蔭補, they engaged in any number of ingenious methods of cheating, and they turned to special preliminary examinations and subverted them to their own ends. As a result the claim to fariness which had undergirded the 北宋科舉 became increasingly empty. (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 17:45:16
    —— 引自章节:5 The failure of fairness: 南宋
  • (晚唐至閩王國)sustained immigration, become an important agricultural region...泉州, emerged as a major center of overseas trade (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 18:32:12
    —— 引自章节:6 The Geography of Success
  • Of course that influence both predated and postdated the Sung, but it was during the Sung that 2 critical developments occured. 1st were the unmistakable beginnings of a public examination culture...with its own ceremonies, symbols, buildings, and support organizations...2ndly, more then ever before the examination endeavor...engaged the attention of writers and story-tellers (查看原文)
    忘憂 2013-06-10 18:37:15
    —— 引自章节:7 Through 棘闈: the culture of e