The Other Significant Others的书评 (2)

Joynee 2024-02-19 10:53:43

The Atlantic编辑和本书作者对谈的播客文案 | What If Your Best Friend Is Your Soulmate?


Hanna Rosin When you told people you were writing a book about friendship, what were some of the responses you got? Rhaina Cohen: You know, often people would not quite remember what the book was about. I had a boss at one point write in an email to other p...  (展开)
Joynee 2024-02-19 16:12:02

互相照顾的老年朋友(作者在The Atlantic上发的文章)


临近退休时,Barb Buettner一直被如何度过晚年这个问题困扰。在照顾父母的过程中,她对自己可能面临的困难有了些了解。她的父亲在疗养院里孤身一人,帕金森的病症拖垮了他的身体,但他的思维尚还敏锐。他的妻子患有阿尔兹海默症,而在疗养院中,几乎没有能给他带来刺激感的同伴...  (展开)

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