Iris Chang's best-selling book The Rape of Nanking forever changed the way we view the Second World War in Asia. It all began with a photo of a river choked with the bodies of hundreds of Chinese civilians that shook Iris to her core. Who were these people? Why had this happened and how could their story have been lost to history? She could not shake that image from her head. S...
Iris Chang's best-selling book The Rape of Nanking forever changed the way we view the Second World War in Asia. It all began with a photo of a river choked with the bodies of hundreds of Chinese civilians that shook Iris to her core. Who were these people? Why had this happened and how could their story have been lost to history? She could not shake that image from her head. She could not forget what she had seen.
A few short years later, Chang revealed this "second Holocaust" to the world. The Japanese atrocities against the people of Nanking were so extreme that a Nazi party leader based in China actually petitioned Hitler to ask the Japanese government to stop the massacre. But who was this woman that single-handedly swept away years of silence, secrecy and shame?
Her mother, Ying-Ying, provides an enlightened and nuanced look at her daughter, from Iris' home-made childhood newspaper, to her early years as a journalist and later, as a promising young historian, her struggles with her son's autism and her tragic suicide. The Woman Who Could Not Forget cements Iris' legacy as one of the most extraordinary minds of her generation and reveals the depth and beauty of the bond between a mother and daughter. 24 pages of black-and-white photographs
0 有用 牛牛 2013-02-26 05:03:26
0 有用 神游的阿丽思 2022-09-13 16:28:12 江苏
2 有用 lu 2022-02-17 20:12:22
0 有用 拾捡书籍的小孩 2023-01-06 13:41:32 福建
正如法国结构主义人类学家克洛德·列维-施特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss)曾经说过的,失去一位亲人,或是失去一个曾经感动过我们的作家或艺术家,那种无可弥补的遗憾就仿佛是蔷薇花永远灭绝,它的香气从此无从寻觅一样。一本回忆录无法挽回张纯如的离去,但它至少可以让我们再次感受到她的存在。这会永远是一种真切的存在,充满勇气,充满信念,充满活力。——普利策奖得主 《原子弹秘史》作者 理查德·罗兹... 正如法国结构主义人类学家克洛德·列维-施特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss)曾经说过的,失去一位亲人,或是失去一个曾经感动过我们的作家或艺术家,那种无可弥补的遗憾就仿佛是蔷薇花永远灭绝,它的香气从此无从寻觅一样。一本回忆录无法挽回张纯如的离去,但它至少可以让我们再次感受到她的存在。这会永远是一种真切的存在,充满勇气,充满信念,充满活力。——普利策奖得主 《原子弹秘史》作者 理查德·罗兹(Richard Rhodes) (展开)
1 有用 虎克 2019-11-26 15:31:49
早期的时候张还一直和母亲说这辈子太短,时间有限,她不能完成自己想做的事情,最后却选择了自杀。她似乎有永远用不完的精力,从不让自己停歇;她正义,呼吁人们正视尊重历史,她是战士。 看前部分的时候,以为这本书仅仅只是纪念张,但后面写到“华裔”是个很尴尬的身份,特别在特殊时期,国内外都不受欢迎的时候,如何找到身份认同真的很难。看到那章的时候,我感觉美国有很多很多的移民,团结应该是很难做到的,关于“平等”的... 早期的时候张还一直和母亲说这辈子太短,时间有限,她不能完成自己想做的事情,最后却选择了自杀。她似乎有永远用不完的精力,从不让自己停歇;她正义,呼吁人们正视尊重历史,她是战士。 看前部分的时候,以为这本书仅仅只是纪念张,但后面写到“华裔”是个很尴尬的身份,特别在特殊时期,国内外都不受欢迎的时候,如何找到身份认同真的很难。看到那章的时候,我感觉美国有很多很多的移民,团结应该是很难做到的,关于“平等”的呼声应该是最大的,因为这不仅仅是人与人之间的平等,还可能是关乎于另一个身份的平等。 还有在最后谈到张的死因,作者对治疗精神病用药的看法、她的科学态度都是我觉得这本书意义重大的原因:一些药物背后可能牵扯到利益,并不以患者健康为出发点;抗抑郁药的副作用可能会导致患者有自杀倾向等等,用药要谨慎…… (展开)