One Day 短评

  • 348 无耻之徒 2013-03-19 12:51:35


  • 182 苏允小姐 2013-01-17 15:15:58

    很有意思的是。买了这本书后Jason来玩。他说,aw,你居然有了。我在机场买到这本书,看完,知道你会喜欢。所以想给你做礼物的。千里迢迢,来送一本我已经有了的书和一个丑丑的零钱包。临走的时候用送他去机场。拥抱了一下说, see you in 3 and half years.

  • 153 atherinek chan 2017-05-23 23:28:56

    我庆幸 一见钟情时,没有告诉你 这样我们才能更长久地在一起 我庆幸 世事变幻后,你还在这里 这样我才知道我最爱是你 我庆幸 你还在这里 在书信里 在照片里 在回忆里 你离开了,但我们从未离别

  • 152 牛腩羊耳朵 2013-03-17 00:30:47

    It's always so nice to go back and find out where the story started in the end of everything. We all once were at the life point of finishing the collage and there was a brand new future in front of us, we planed what we were going to do, who we were going to love, and meanwhile wanted to stay in the dreaming past . But we were wrong, we never can

  • 50 付四 2015-06-03 11:27:41

    最初感觉是陪伴时最温情的告白。后来觉得就是备胎故事。最后看完这几十年唏嘘,喜欢一句评论:就算互相喜欢也不会浪漫顺理成章地在一起。就算在一起也不会幸福美满地一起活到老。就算相伴几年深爱很久也不会在一个离开之后另一个的生命也静止。这就是你无法否认的现实。 They kissed in the street as all around them people hurried home in the summer light, and it was the sweetest kiss that either of them would ever know. This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today.

  • 19 银河小姐 2014-10-07 17:40:22


  • 28 克莱德思构坡 2011-12-31 12:18:53


  • 14 锦妖 2012-09-12 23:45:09


  • 11 Armaiti 2012-03-04 00:34:44

    有些日子里 你一觉醒来 诸事完美

  • 17 DrunkFox 2016-07-14 06:31:09

    “凡所际遇,绝非偶然。”哪有那么多理想人生,都只不过是心甘情愿去为粗茶淡饭的平凡生活赴汤蹈火。Life and life,life after life.

  • 14 亵渎电影 2011-08-28 01:38:22


  • 11 hydelin 2013-09-13 17:05:38

    小说比电影优太多。各章节密集独立得像在逐集看电视剧。Emma and Dexter,他们的人生如果用线形图来描绘是正相反的走向,但是无论处于哪个阶段,都是他们自己对自己所处状态的评价最让他们痛苦。最终章写他们的开始太甜蜜,提醒这果然还是爱情小说。第一部攻克的原文(鼓掌!),作者大人是如何用20个以内的初中词汇写出那么戳心的句子捏~

  • 11 F 2011-12-16 23:10:26

    尼玛终于看完了!眼睛都要脱窗了!Still don't understand why the fuck Em& Dex kiss all the time and said there's nothin =w= are you fucking kidding who?

  • 10 食二代 2014-07-05 00:30:11

    Finally, she loved someone and felt fairly confident that she was loved in return. If someone asked Emma, as they sometimes did at parties, how she and her husband had met, she told them:'We grew up together.'

  • 4 花皮瓜 2013-05-07 11:14:50


  • 15 沉冰 2011-11-26 21:51:09

    几乎是在工作途中的车上看完的。浪子回头赢得真爱,女子痴恋命丧黄泉。窃以为全书最核心的一句话是:He wanted to live life in such a way that if a photograph were taken at random, it would be a cool photograph.如果说这段不对等的爱情还有动人之处,那便是dex希望他人生剪影的旁观者是emma。

  • 7 Lee winchester 2012-07-24 23:06:21

    Here she was, after four romantically barren years, finally, finally in bed with someone she really liked, had liked since she‘d first seen

  • 4 LittleJ. 2012-10-22 23:31:04

    每个女孩子都爱着一个混蛋的Dexcer /非常现实的故事

  • 4 中年少女糕圆圆 2012-11-30 10:29:36


  • 2 小西 2013-01-12 12:19:23


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