《The Hour of the Star》的原文摘录

  • I forgot to mention that the record that is about to begin -- for I can no longer bear the onslaught of facts -- the record that is about to begin is written under the sponsorship of the most popular soft drink in the world even though it does not earn me anything; a soft drink that is distributed throughout throughout the world. It is the same soft drink that sponsored the recent earthquake in Guatemala. Despite the fact that it tastes of nail polish, toilet soap and chewed plastic. None of this prevents poeple from loving it with servility and subservience. Also because -- and I am now going to say something strange that only I can understand -- this drink which contains coca is today. It allows people to be modern and to move with the times. (查看原文)
    土猴TD 2012-07-04 23:42:52
    —— 引自第23页
  • She examined herself mechanically in the mirror above the filthy hand basin that was badly cracked and full of hairs: the image of her own existence. The dark, tarnished mirror scarcely reflected any image. Perhaps her physical existence had vanished? This illusion soon passed and she saw her entire face distorted by the tarnished mirror; her nose had grown as huge as those false nosed made of papier mâché donned by circus clowns. She studied herself and mused: so young and so tarnished. (查看原文)
    土猴TD 2012-07-05 01:42:08
    —— 引自第24页
  • (The girl worries me so much that I feel drained. She has drained me empty. And the less she demands, the more she worries me. I feel frustrated and annoyed. A ragging desire to smash dishes and break windows. How can I avenge myself? Or rather, how can I get satisfaction? I've found the answer: by loving my dog that consumes more food than she does. Why does she not fight back? Has she no pluck? No, she is sweet and docile) Her eyes were enormous, round, bulging and inquisitive -- she had the expression of someone with a broken wing -- some deficiency of the thyroid gland -- questioning eyes. Whom was she questioning? God? She did not think about God, nor did God think about her. God belongs to those who succeed in pinning Him down. God appears in a moment of distraction. She asked no que... (查看原文)
    土猴TD 2回复 2012-07-05 01:50:45
    —— 引自第25页
  • The girl did not know that she existed, just as a dog doesn't know that it's a dog. Therefore she wasn't aware of her own unhappiness. The only thing she desired was to live. She could not explain, for she didn't probe her situation. Perhaps she felt there was some glory in living. She thought that a person was obliged to be happy. So she was happy. Before being born was she an idea? Before being born was she dead? And after being born was she about to die? What a thin slice of water melon. (查看原文)
    土猴TD 2012-07-05 02:35:59
    —— 引自第27页
  • One day, however, she saw something that, for one brief moment, she dearly wanted: it was a book that Senhor Raimundo, who was fond of literature, had left on the table. The book was entitled The Shamed and Oppressed. The girl remained pensive. Perhaps for the very first time she had established her social class. She thought and thought and thought! She decided that no one had ever really oppressed her and that everything that happened to her was inevitable. It was futile trying to struggle. Why struggle? I ask myself: will she one day experience love and its farewell? Will she one day experience love and its deceptions? Will she experience love's rapture in her own modest way? Who can tell? How can one disguise the simple fact that the entire world is somewhat sad and lonely? The girl fro... (查看原文)
    土猴TD 2012-07-06 02:34:03
    —— 引自第40页
  • 此时,云很白,天空很蓝。为何上帝拥有如此之多。为什么不分一点儿给人。 (查看原文)
    Grit 2013-10-03 19:28:24
    —— 引自第20页
  • 有一天,我會過上分子的生活,與原子一起鬧哄哄。 (查看原文)
    馬臠 2013-11-19 13:18:43
    —— 引自第7页
  • 我想從煤中淘金。 (查看原文)
    馬臠 2013-11-19 13:24:50
    —— 引自第10页
  • 再回到我:苛求太多且期待高压的心不可能忍受我要写的一切。因为我要讲述得赤裸裸。它也有背景——就在此时此刻——那是忧烦的昏暗,当我在暗夜里忧烦地入睡时,它便在我的梦里现身。你们不要期待接下来会有星辰:没有任何闪烁的东西,那是混沌的物质,因为自身的性质,遭到所有人的鄙视。这个故事没有如歌的旋律。它的节奏有时会不协调。但它有事实。倏然间,我爱上了非文学的事实——+事实是坚硬的石头,我对行动更有兴趣,而不是思考。人们不可能从事实中逃逸。 这故事让我感伤,我知道每一天都是从死神哪里偷得。我不是知识分子,我用身体写作。我所写下的是潮湿的雾。词语是纵横交错的阴影流出的声响,是石钟乳,是花边,是管风琴里升华的音乐。 (查看原文)
    O 2013-12-24 15:02:17
    —— 引自第10页
  • 这本书是一种寂静。这本书是一个提问。 (查看原文)
    O 2013-12-24 15:02:17
    —— 引自第10页
  • 就在这一瞬间,我准备爆炸成:我。 (查看原文)
    Rottwitz 2014-07-06 14:55:42
    —— 引自第1页
  • 我。这个我是你们,因为我不能忍受只成为自己。 (查看原文)
    Rottwitz 2014-07-06 14:56:55
    —— 引自第1页
  • 就在这一瞬间,我准备爆炸成:我。这个我是你们,因为我不能忍受只成为自己,我需要其他人才支撑得下去,我多么愚蠢,我走向歧途,总之,人只能冥思,来坠入这完满的空,唯有冥思才能抵达。冥思不需要结果:冥思可只以自身为目的。我无言地冥思,我什么都不思。写作搅乱了我的生活。 (查看原文)
    cronoqio 2015-01-08 22:43:21
    —— 引自第1页
  • 幸福?我從未見過比這更愚蠢的詞匯,這不過是徒徙於山間的東北部女人的編造。 (查看原文)
    Yuyi_yeque 2015-01-17 21:17:25
    —— 引自第5页
  • 獲得的一種方式是不去追尋,擁有的一種方式是不去企求。 (查看原文)
    Yuyi_yeque 2015-01-17 21:18:02
    —— 引自第8页
  • 当她还小时,她很想养只动物。可姨妈觉得养小动物意味着添了一张嘴。因此,小姑娘觉得自己只能养跳蚤,因为她连狗的爱都配不上。 (查看原文)
    苏南薰 2015-01-26 11:12:49
    —— 引自第23页
  • 倘若使用一些艰深的技术词汇,可以丰富我的叙述吗?但问题是:这个故事既不关涉技术,也不涉及风格,它随心所欲。我也无法用光彩夺目但虚假至极的词语来玷污如这姑娘一般清汤寡水的生命。……这姑娘活在一种摄人心魄的雨云里,介乎天堂和地狱之间。(P30)……她的生命是一场漫长的对无的冥思。(P32) (查看原文)
    Ja 2015-07-28 19:45:34
    —— 引自章节:摘记
  • 真实永远是一种无法解释的内心接触。我最真实的生命不可辨认,它是极端的内在,没有任何一个词语能够指称。 结局之后是寂静与飘落的雨。 请原谅,但我要继续谈论我自己,我是我自己的陌生人。当我书写时,我有些讶异,因为我发现我有一种命运。谁不曾自问:我是怪物?或者,这意味着成为了一个人? 是的,我的力量存在于孤独之中。我既不怕暴雨倾盆,也不怕狂风肆虐,因为我也是夜晚的黑。 我的快乐也来自我最深的悲伤,悲伤是一种未遂的快乐,如果这姑娘知道,该有多好!是的,在她的神经症里,她微微地快乐。打仗一般的神经症。 “我在这世间孤独一人我不相信任何人,所有人都撒谎,甚至相爱的那一刻也不例外,我不认为人可以和另一个人交谈,只有在我孤独一人之时,真实才会来临。” (查看原文)
    Ma folie 2016-04-28 19:11:52
    —— 引自章节:星辰时刻
  • 那一刻,她才发现自己的生活是一场悲剧。我说过了,她,直到那一刻之前,还自以为幸福,现在她看到了相反的一面,真想大哭一场。 然后,她没有自我意识,什么都不抱怨,甚至觉得自己是幸福的。她并非白痴,却拥有白痴那种纯粹的幸福。(p64) (查看原文)
    Zeitgeist 2017-08-01 19:35:23
    —— 引自第74页
  • 那是我不敢企盼的地方,献给所有预言现时的先知,他们也为我做出了预言,就在这一瞬间,我准备爆炸成:我。 不要去证明至为真实之事的存在,要去相信。哭泣着相信。 (查看原文)
    女宛心兑 2018-03-08 17:25:22
    —— 引自第2页
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