Antifragile的书评 (15)

子珂 2013-11-13 00:07:21

Connecting the Dots

这本书我觉得写得不好 但是里面有些东西对我影响很大,所以还是写一些 不好的地方: 全书比较缺乏组织,经常不知所云,缺乏对于中心观点的归纳 而且语气很强烈,导致经常想要跟作者对骂 好的地方: --------下面写重点了----- 全书重点:flexibility & randomness 从小,我...  (展开)
庄常飞 2013-03-26 12:04:19


如果说《Fooled by Randomness》是线性叙事,讨论的是随机性问题,《The Black Swan》讨论的是重复叙事,讨论的是肥尾效应,《The Bed of Procrustes》是随机叙事,讨论的是各种奇葩的人生哲学,那么畅销作家Nicholas Nassim Taleb的新书《Antifragile》则是集大成者。 《Anti...  (展开)
魔公子 2022-05-25 09:32:04


[Antifragile] 塔勒布提出一个价值观:如果你有特权,你应该喜欢波动性,你应该喜欢让事情走极端。接下来的问题就是如何寻找这种期权式的机会。 生活中的确有很多这样的机会,但也有很多事不但不是机会,而且还是累赘和危险。我们人生在世也不只有权利,还必须承担很多义务。 ...  (展开)
EkEk 2018-06-16 00:50:07



这不是一本科普读物,这是一本玄学书籍。作者感觉自己好像发现了一个新的数字规律,前几章介绍这个规律,后几章运用。这种只有论点,没有论据的,整个给人的感觉就是胡侃瞎侃,泛泛而谈。Touch everywhere, left nothing. 这种书只有到了那种龙战于野的时候才能发挥作用。 Anec...  (展开)
zhifeige 2016-03-28 08:36:53

Antifragile book review

There're much to be said about the book. It's loaded with both insights and rubbish. Similar to the points in the Fooled by Randomness, Taleb repeated the point of differences in impact between frequent events and rare events. Rare events can always negate ...  (展开)
周游雪场 2014-04-08 15:42:41

Arrogance and Insight


I started reading this book at a very difficult stage of my life. After three and a half years' hard work and sacrifice, I didn't get what I want the most, and ended up lining with people I had despised the most before. When I tried to figure out what was r...  (展开)
tael 2013-12-29 19:30:50

Most Helpful Customer Reviews from - credit by Alfred Leung

1 Summary ---------- 1.1 Introduction ========== Taleb conveniently quotes one of his friend's summary of this book: "Everything gains or loses from volatility. Fragility is what loses from volatility and uncertainty." I think the point is better expressed...  (展开)
iamblue 2021-10-15 23:07:16


Note:我读了这本书的前两个“Book”,没有看“Book III”至“Book VII”,所以下面写的读后感会有很大的偏见。正如我在短评里提到的,我看这本书的起因是自己在人生中碰到了一些困惑,想通过看这本书来寻找可能的答案。从八月中旬到现在,已经两个月了,我看了这本书的前两个...  (展开)
佳时扬帆 2019-12-28 21:12:35

想起艾瑞发的豆瓣用户画像分析,(所在地是)“沿海城市”和(用户)“本科以上学历”是显眼标签,30到35岁用户居多,25到35岁组别占比骤跌十几个百分点。 豆瓣诞生年份纳来的新正值豆蔻,也就是现在的主力群组(像我这样注册多年才刚开始使用的应该不多)。阿虹和我聊到过现时...  (展开)
Shermanizer 2019-12-23 10:48:11


把劲使在刀刃上:着重于f(x) Antifragile 12/22/2019 去年半途而废的书,今年读完了。深入浅出,力透纸背。"Wind extinguishes a candle and energizes a fire." 这个形象的比喻,大概是温室里的花朵vs路边的野花,有些人gain from uncertainties in life,相反有些人会被击垮...  (展开)
79lawyer 2019-05-01 14:27:55



✭✩✩✩✩ 一星滚粗! 不知所云,乱七八糟。 分割线——————————————————————————————— 按照作者所说,一本书够不够读,要看批评人的地位、水平。 批评人地位越高,或者说影响力越大,书就越值得读。 我虽然没有地位,但也抖个机灵,...  (展开)
mz 2018-09-20 11:48:23


哈哈哈哈 傻白粉丝/几乎是我/色号不行  (展开)
whatever 2018-04-07 06:25:44

All rise, here comes convexity


This is not a review. Just a note of what I remember after listening to the Audiobook. Antifragility is the property of objects/systems/ideas that is opposite to fragility. It is often mistaken as robustness or resilience. But this misunderstanding is missi...  (展开)
iAudioBook 2018-01-21 22:02:12

反脆弱 Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder EPUB


最近樊登有推荐这本书,读的是EPUB的英文电子版,其中文译名《反脆弱》(未读),总体感觉还行。 Favorite quote from this book: "The worst problem of modernity lies in the malignant transfer of fragility and antifragility from one party to the other, with one ge...  (展开)
