
  • Oh, Lord knows! I suppose the woman wants to live her own life; and the man wants to live his; and each tries to drag the other on to the wrong track. One wants to go north and the other southl and the result is that both have to go east, though they both hate the east wind. [ He sits down on the bench at the keyboard]. So here I am, a confirmed old bachelor, and likely to remain so. (查看原文)
    Winterreise 1赞 2013-03-27 14:22:41
    —— 引自第50页
  • Cheltenham,Harrow,Cambridge,and India (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 09:09:53
    —— 引自第26页
  • 教堂的钟声敲了十一点半。 钟声使他醒悟,觉得他自己的伪君子态度和对穷人的苛刻是不对的。 (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 09:19:04
    —— 引自第39页
  • so deliciously low —— so horribly dirty 下流得可爱,肮脏得可怕 (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 09:41:16
    —— 引自第65页
  • ahahahahowowoooo (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 09:41:16
    —— 引自第65页
  • the bravado of genteel poverty (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 10:35:31
    —— 引自第151页
  • Mrs Higgins 息夫人 (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 10:37:36
    —— 引自第155页
  • what the devilare we going to talk about until Eliza comes? (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 10:44:02
    —— 引自第157页
  • she comes to studied grace (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 10:48:14
    —— 引自第160页
  • the shallow depression in the west of these island is likely to move slowly in an easterly direction. There are no indications of any great change in the barometrical situation. (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 10:53:18
    —— 引自第164页
  • 这完全是习惯。无所谓谁是谁非。人说这些话也没有什么用意。这种话说起来很引人注意,原来没有什么好玩的话听了特别有味道,特别有劲。我觉得这种时髦话很有意思,也没有什么害处。 (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 11:02:54
    —— 引自第175页
  • 你们两个真是一对活宝,玩着你们的活娃娃。 你想不到那是多么有意思的一件事,把一个人变成另一个人,给她创造一种新的语言。这是把不同阶级、不同灵魂之间的鸿沟连接起来的一件工作。 (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 11:19:14
    —— 引自第185页
  • Dressing Eliza. What! (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 11:21:06
    —— 引自第187页
  • 有了一些上等人的礼貌和习惯反而使他不能自食其力,又没有上等的收入! oh,men!men!men! (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 11:27:01
    —— 引自第191页
  • 把一件事做得特别好总是一门专门技术。 (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 11:31:13
    —— 引自第205页
  • making life means making trouble. theres only one way of escaping trouble ;and thats killing things. cowards,you notice,are always shrieking to have troublesome people killed (查看原文)
    王看山 2015-10-08 13:55:58
    —— 引自第288页
  • It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate or despite him. (查看原文)
    Rhiannon.Z 2017-12-02 21:36:56
    —— 引自章节:前言
  • THE NOTE TAKER (Higgins). A woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere—no right to live. Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech: that your native language is the language of Shakespear and Milton and The Bible; and don't sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon. (查看原文)
    Rhiannon.Z 2017-12-02 21:39:09
    —— 引自章节:ACT I
  • HIGGINS [becoming excited as the idea grows on him] What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn't come every day. I shall make a duchess of this draggletailed guttersnipe. (查看原文)
    Rhiannon.Z 2017-12-02 21:42:59
    —— 引自章节:ACT II
  • HIGGINS [looking critically at her] Oh no, I don't think so. Not any feelings that we need bother about. [Cheerily] Have you, Eliza? LIZA. I got my feelings same as anyone else. HIGGINS ....Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves is as true of personal habits as of money. (查看原文)
    Rhiannon.Z 2017-12-02 21:42:59
    —— 引自章节:ACT II
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