出版社: Harmony
副标题: My Journey into Life's Perfection
出版年: 2015-6-2
页数: 272
定价: USD 16.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780804141109
内容简介 · · · · · ·
From the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller The Untethered Soul comes this thought-provoking, inspirational memoir on the magic that happens when you just let go
Spirituality is meant to bring about harmony and peace. But the diversity of our philosophies, beliefs, concepts, and views about the soul often leads to confusion. To reconcile the noise that clouds spirituali...
From the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller The Untethered Soul comes this thought-provoking, inspirational memoir on the magic that happens when you just let go
Spirituality is meant to bring about harmony and peace. But the diversity of our philosophies, beliefs, concepts, and views about the soul often leads to confusion. To reconcile the noise that clouds spirituality, Michael Singer combines accounts of his own life journey to enlightenment—from his years as a hippie-loner to his success as a computer program engineer to his work in spiritual and humanitarian efforts—with lessons on how to put aside conflicting beliefs, let go of worries, and transform misdirected desires. Singer provides a road map to a new way of living not in the moment, but to exist in a state of perpetual happiness.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Michael A. Singer is the author of the highly successful The Untethered Soul, which has also been published in Turkey, Brazil (in Portuguese), Switzerland (in German), Spain, Japan, China, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Poland, and Italy.
Singer received a master's degree in economics from the University of Florida in 1971. During his doctoral work, he had a deep inner awak...
Michael A. Singer is the author of the highly successful The Untethered Soul, which has also been published in Turkey, Brazil (in Portuguese), Switzerland (in German), Spain, Japan, China, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Poland, and Italy.
Singer received a master's degree in economics from the University of Florida in 1971. During his doctoral work, he had a deep inner awakening and went into seclusion to focus on yoga and meditation. In 1975, he founded Temple of the Universe, a now long-established yoga and meditation center where people of any religion or set of beliefs can come together to experience inner peace. Through the years, Singer has made major contributions in the areas of business, the arts, education, healthcare, and environmental protection. He previously authored two books on the integration of Eastern and Western philosophy: The Search for Truth and Three Essays on Universal Law: Karma, Will and Love.
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The Surrender Experiment的书评 · · · · · · ( 全部 235 条 )
最近在听奴隶社会公众号的”诺言”课程,一诺在课程里面推荐的这本书,决定买回来看。从开头到结尾一口气读完,很久没读过这么好的书了。我评价一本书的好坏标准是:我和书是否有共鸣。这本书让我对“无为”,思维方式和生命选择有了新的理解。在读完这本书后,我又开始拾起印... (展开)臣服,可以有很多个层次
1、不要听从头脑里的想法。 《臣服实验》这本书,有一段写的是有个叫桑迪的女孩,并没有经过作者迈克·辛格的允许,就在他新买的那块地上盖房子。而辛格当时正在进行他的“臣服实验”,所以他选择不要听从头脑中的想法,不根据自己的喜好来对事情加以判断,而是放手让事情本身... (展开)从嬉皮士到斜杠亿万富翁,只因他做了一场人生实验
作者简介: 迈克·辛格(Michael A. Singer),经济学博士,畅销书作家,年轻时在社区大学做过教师,创办过建筑公司,后成为Medical Manager Corporation公司的创办CEO和董事长。他的公司在1997年上市,1999年估值超过10亿美元,公司成就甚至载入了史密森学会的档案。 诚然,正... (展开)这里的臣服,是不内耗,不拧巴
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订阅关于The Surrender Experiment的评论:
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2 有用 瑞尔 2020-11-06 17:44:13
How well you like this book depends on how well you relate to the idea of "synchronicity". Jung would have been proud.
1 有用 LauBot 2021-12-10 07:31:00
0 有用 ZZ 2022-02-24 23:31:02
1 有用 言若 2023-10-18 09:27:26 新加坡
1 有用 ANAYKH 2021-12-18 09:15:11
Be surrender to the flow of life
0 有用 紫云酱 2024-12-03 09:33:07 澳大利亚
每次遇到“过不去”的事,就会翻看。也逐渐培养了我接受一切的心态和能力。 Work hard and wait for the flow of life to unfold. Some things are meant to be.
0 有用 Valentina_7 2024-11-23 13:18:17 河南
老美经典New Age套路 甚至不如Facebook小组里的spiritual growth分享
0 有用 烈鸟 2024-11-10 03:48:31 英国
故事内容在Michael开始办公司以后变得有趣了起来,不过一开头实在有些不忍卒读——每五页就讲一次”my life was about to change completely” 真的让人觉得太underwhelmed/ 读到后面倒是能感觉到他对生活真诚的感恩与敬畏,也让我再今年的混乱生活中找到一些慰藉。
0 有用 Lola 2024-10-08 22:19:51 印度尼西亚
0 有用 Marsha爱芝士 2024-10-03 22:57:27 北京
Life rarely unfolds exactly as we want it to. I know it really well. I know the key to surrender is letting go, but its way easier said than done. I hope I can find more insights on second book.