TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 (2nd Edition)的书评 (2)

iLRainyday 2012-07-05 17:31:31


本来不想吐槽的,可是一想到花了¥450买了这么一本书我就觉得不吐不爽。stevens之前的advanced programming in the unix environment和unix network programming的新版都挺不错,所以想当然觉得这本TCP/IP illustrated, 2nd应该也不会差。结果...... 新版基本上除了封面和第一...  (展开)
Phil 2012-11-19 18:12:22


2nd edition: A datagram is a special type of packet in which all the identifying information of the source and the final destination resides inside the packet itself (instead of the packet switches). 1st edition: A datagram is a unit of information (i.e., ...  (展开)

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