出版社: Random House US
副标题: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
出版年: 2024-3-26
页数: 400
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780593655030
内容简介 · · · · · ·
THE INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice
From New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Coddling of the American Mind, an essential investigation into the collapse of youth mental health—and a plan for a healthier, freer childhood.
“Erudite, engaging, combative, crusading.” —New York Times Book Review
“Words that chill the parental ...
THE INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice
From New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Coddling of the American Mind, an essential investigation into the collapse of youth mental health—and a plan for a healthier, freer childhood.
“Erudite, engaging, combative, crusading.” —New York Times Book Review
“Words that chill the parental heart… thanks to Mr. Haidt, we can glimpse the true horror of what happened not only in the U.S. but also elsewhere in the English-speaking world… lucid, memorable… galvanizing.” —Wall Street Journal
“[An] important new book…The shift in kids’ energy and attention from the physical world to the virtual one, Haidt shows, has been catastrophic, especially for girls.” —Michelle Goldberg, The New York Times
After more than a decade of stability or improvement, the mental health of adolescents plunged in the early 2010s. Rates of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicide rose sharply, more than doubling on many measures. Why?
In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt lays out the facts about the epidemic of teen mental illness that hit many countries at the same time. He then investigates the nature of childhood, including why children need play and independent exploration to mature into competent, thriving adults. Haidt shows how the “play-based childhood” began to decline in the 1980s, and how it was finally wiped out by the arrival of the “phone-based childhood” in the early 2010s. He presents more than a dozen mechanisms by which this “great rewiring of childhood” has interfered with children’s social and neurological development, covering everything from sleep deprivation to attention fragmentation, addiction, loneliness, social contagion, social comparison, and perfectionism. He explains why social media damages girls more than boys and why boys have been withdrawing from the real world into the virtual world, with disastrous consequences for themselves, their families, and their societies.
Most important, Haidt issues a clear call to action. He diagnoses the “collective action problems” that trap us, and then proposes four simple rules that might set us free. He describes steps that parents, teachers, schools, tech companies, and governments can take to end the epidemic of mental illness and restore a more humane childhood.
Haidt has spent his career speaking truth backed by data in the most difficult landscapes—communities polarized by politics and religion, campuses battling culture wars, and now the public health emergency faced by Gen Z. We cannot afford to ignore his findings about protecting our children—and ourselves—from the psychological damage of a phone-based life.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Jonathan Haidt is the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He obtained his PhD in social psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1992 and taught at the University of Virginia for sixteen years. His research focuses on moral and political psychology, as described in his book The Righteous Mind. His latest book...
Jonathan Haidt is the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He obtained his PhD in social psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1992 and taught at the University of Virginia for sixteen years. His research focuses on moral and political psychology, as described in his book The Righteous Mind. His latest book, The Anxious Generation, is a direct continuation of the themes explored in The Coddling of the American Mind (written with Greg Lukianoff). He writes the After Babel Substack.
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The Anxious Generation的书评 · · · · · · ( 全部 9 条 )
Eloquent but not compelling enough
A most timely warning about the harm social media has done to our young generation though it is definitely not the sole culprit to blame. A bit disappointed at the cherry-picking and lack of solid scientific research, not to mention the rough and verbose wr... (展开)智能手机时代的悲哀,毁掉的人类
唉 这本书是写手机时代、互联网的接入、智能手机与平板等可联网设备的无所不在,毁掉了自此(Z世代及以后)以后的人类,当然除了个别少量的精英。 智能设备无罪,媒体无辜,毁掉人类的是人做为生物人类进化而来的的性的欲望、成功超越他人获得权利与地位的欲望。 正是互联技术... (展开)Profound challenges in human society and we need collective efforts
> 更多书评 9篇
论坛 · · · · · ·
关于中文译本 | 来自豆友HIQCrMBV6c | 2 回应 | 2024-12-16 13:04:52 |
刚刚在NATURE里看到有作者批评了这本书,想知道大... | 来自fight! | 3 回应 | 2024-10-12 19:54:56 |
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1 有用 叮叮和柠檬 2024-05-23 22:45:05 北京
1 有用 六月雪 2024-12-10 21:08:41 上海
1.智能电子设备与互联网的迅速普及,将导致一场史无前例的青少年身心成长危机。 2.漫长的童年和青春期,是人类在长期进化成中形成的结果,儿童青少年可以通过现实社交和游戏,积极感知了解世界,养成共情和写作能力,但这些任务无法通过网络虚拟体验达成。 3.过早接触电子设备与互联网,会给青少年儿童造成一些严重的伤害,包括身心健康问题,上瘾依赖以及自我价值感下降等等。
0 有用 多喜子 2024-09-11 22:58:13 美国
提前了解了不少phone-based childhood存在的隐患之余,也自省了社交网络的使用现状,可谓一举多得。家里的宝还很小但也很明显能看出爱在外面玩的天性,Haidt的建议是一直到13岁左右都要尽量让孩子在外面和同龄或者有一点年龄差的小伙伴玩且少定规矩。然而现在的大环境(过度保护)和学校(过度强调学习且不阻止学生在校使用智能手机)都对这种做法形成了很大的阻碍,很多变化得靠自己慢慢来影响周围的... 提前了解了不少phone-based childhood存在的隐患之余,也自省了社交网络的使用现状,可谓一举多得。家里的宝还很小但也很明显能看出爱在外面玩的天性,Haidt的建议是一直到13岁左右都要尽量让孩子在外面和同龄或者有一点年龄差的小伙伴玩且少定规矩。然而现在的大环境(过度保护)和学校(过度强调学习且不阻止学生在校使用智能手机)都对这种做法形成了很大的阻碍,很多变化得靠自己慢慢来影响周围的人形成更好的环境;还有不少可以行动起来的做法,比如让孩子独立完成一些适合年龄的任务也是慢慢让家长能放开的过程。而关于社交网络的使用,Haidt推荐至少16岁,避开女孩11-13男孩14-15的青春期及学会社交形成自我认知的敏感期。对我自己而言,则是睡前少用手机多亲近大自然以及少把生活安排得太满。 (展开)
23 有用 肉汤拌饭吃八碗 2024-07-05 07:13:27 美国
很重要的研究但写得也太无聊了,听有声书更是白男念经。中心思想我给大噶总结一下:Human beings are doomed, Zuckerberg is responsible for this.
2 有用 超人 2024-06-01 20:36:17 海南
算是很扎实的在做相关研究了,但是明显能够感觉到研究还是很初步。有一个很惊喜的收获,是相关研究给了现今美国大学里盛行的cancel culture一个相对合理的解释。在社交媒体上长大的人们对待不愉快的态度本来就是拉黑取关往左滑,在他们看来,这种经营虚拟社交圈的方法延伸到现实中也就理所当然。
0 有用 Jimmy47 2024-12-19 18:17:26 黑龙江
得到听书 1.智能电子设备与互联网的迅速普及,将导致一场史无前例的青少年身心成长危机。 2.漫长的童年和青春期,是人类在长期进化成中形成的结果,儿童青少年可以通过现实社交和游戏,积极感知了解世界,养成共情和写作能力,但这些任务无法通过网络虚拟体验达成。 3.过早接触电子设备与互联网,会给青少年儿童造成一些严重的伤害,包括身心健康问题,上瘾依赖以及自我价值感下降等等
0 有用 妮可Gay得慢 2024-12-18 23:24:04 广东
打开前:让我来听听现在的小孩有多焦虑。打开后:why children born after 1995 became the anxious generation。吃瓜吃到自己身上,原来我也属于gen z一代!顿时倍感年轻 ///澳洲立法未成年不能用社交软件和这本书不谋而合,本来还觉得澳洲太极端,那么就让孩子们在地球上长大吧!半夜睡醒会刷手机的我中弹,不愿再做点赞的奴隶。com compariso... 打开前:让我来听听现在的小孩有多焦虑。打开后:why children born after 1995 became the anxious generation。吃瓜吃到自己身上,原来我也属于gen z一代!顿时倍感年轻 ///澳洲立法未成年不能用社交软件和这本书不谋而合,本来还觉得澳洲太极端,那么就让孩子们在地球上长大吧!半夜睡醒会刷手机的我中弹,不愿再做点赞的奴隶。com comparison is killing me slowly🎵 (展开)
0 有用 Misanthropos 2024-12-14 03:05:20 江苏
spirituality. The phone-based life produces spiritual degradation, not just in adolescents, but in all of us.
0 有用 读加缪的咸鱼 2024-12-12 22:38:24 中国香港
1 有用 六月雪 2024-12-10 21:08:41 上海
1.智能电子设备与互联网的迅速普及,将导致一场史无前例的青少年身心成长危机。 2.漫长的童年和青春期,是人类在长期进化成中形成的结果,儿童青少年可以通过现实社交和游戏,积极感知了解世界,养成共情和写作能力,但这些任务无法通过网络虚拟体验达成。 3.过早接触电子设备与互联网,会给青少年儿童造成一些严重的伤害,包括身心健康问题,上瘾依赖以及自我价值感下降等等。