A finalist for the 1994 Booker Prize, England's highest honor for works of fiction, Paradise is at once the story of an African boy's coming of age, a tragic love story, and a tale of the corruption of African tradition by European colonialism.
Sold by his father in repayment of a debt, twelve-year-old Yusuf is thrown from his simple rural life into the complexities of precolon...
A finalist for the 1994 Booker Prize, England's highest honor for works of fiction, Paradise is at once the story of an African boy's coming of age, a tragic love story, and a tale of the corruption of African tradition by European colonialism.
Sold by his father in repayment of a debt, twelve-year-old Yusuf is thrown from his simple rural life into the complexities of precolonial urban East Africa. Through Yusuf's eyes, Gurnah depicts communities at war, trading safaris gone awry, and the universal trials of adolescence. The result is a page-turning saga that offers a unique perspective on a seldom-chronicled part of the world.
0 有用 wangleineo 2024-04-16 13:48:25 广东
0 有用 鱼小七 2022-05-09 22:22:46
向来只有“民族至上”或者“人性的黑暗”才能得到诺奖青睐,伤痕不够,要上升到刻在一个民族血液里的,几代人的恩怨。有一点惭愧带着成见看下来,是一本好书,不过借用某书友的话“not my cup of tea”
2 有用 sunmisser 2021-12-26 18:59:46
作者是在移民英国的非洲难民作家,退休之前是肯特大学教授。让我想起同为诺奖得主的石黑一雄也是7岁就跟爸妈移民英国。以后移民主义视角审视历史,但文笔和思维不可避免地还是受到了西方影响。诺奖评因为他对殖民主义的影响和身处于不同文化夹缝中难民们的处境所具有的坚定而富有同情心的洞察。他在书中对奴隶、难民、流亡等主题的探讨,丰富了对非洲的了解,虽然离我的个人生活相较甚远。但我最喜欢书中的一句话,他们可以将你关... 作者是在移民英国的非洲难民作家,退休之前是肯特大学教授。让我想起同为诺奖得主的石黑一雄也是7岁就跟爸妈移民英国。以后移民主义视角审视历史,但文笔和思维不可避免地还是受到了西方影响。诺奖评因为他对殖民主义的影响和身处于不同文化夹缝中难民们的处境所具有的坚定而富有同情心的洞察。他在书中对奴隶、难民、流亡等主题的探讨,丰富了对非洲的了解,虽然离我的个人生活相较甚远。但我最喜欢书中的一句话,他们可以将你关起来,带上镣铐,虐待你的五脏六腑,但自由使他们不能拿走的。即使他们将你百般蹂躏,却仍无法拥有你,如你初生那天一样。 (展开)
0 有用 Echo Shane 2022-08-03 21:20:20
1 有用 刻宙求见 2021-12-12 12:07:29