By Walter Mosley
A good mystery has to be a good novel, and any good novel takes us on a journey where we discover, on many levels, truths about ourselves and our world in ways that are, at the same time, unexpected and familiar.
Science and regligion, capitalism and socialism, caste and character are all on the auction block. The waters are rising while we are dreaming of dancing with the stars. We call ourselves social creatures when indeed we are pack animals. We, many of us, say that we are middle class when in reality we are salt-of-the-earth working-class drones existing at the whim of systems that distribute our life's blood as so much spare change. These subjects can be addressed in fiction or plays, even in poetry, but now and again the plain talk of nonfiction is preferred.
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I like fiction by writers engaged in trying to make sense of their lives and of the world in which they find themselves, writers who palpably have skin in the game, and this makes me particularly resistant to historical fiction. (查看原文)
记录一些提到的、比较感兴趣的书。读书太少,有好多人和书都没听过。(有些懒得找了,等有空再修订吧) 雷蒙德·卡佛《当我们谈论爱情时我们在谈论什么》 [当我们谈论爱情时我们在谈论什么] 苏珊·希恩(Susan Sheehan)《地球之上无我容身之所?》 [Is There No Place on Earth...
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