I quickly settled into that not unpleasant state of mindless that tends to overcome me on long journeys.
an unfamiliar mixture of excitement and exhaustion and intense optical stimulation. Everything seemed so vivid and acutely focused and new. I felt like someone stepping our of doors for the first time. It was all so different: language, the money, the cars, the license plates on the cars, the bread, the food, the newspapers, the parks, the people. I had never seen a zebra crossing before, never seen a tram, never seen an unsliced loaf of bread(never even considered it an option), never seen anyone wearing a beret who expected to be taken seriously, never seen people go to a different shop for each item of dinner or provided their own shopping bags, never seen feathered pheasants and un... (查看原文)
第一次读到这本书,是十五岁时英文课本里要求背诵的一篇文章节选,那时觉得作者的文字好美,那一段是描写他在西西里附近的Capri岛上,天色将晚,独自观望远处山丘倾泻下的灯火,脚下就是悬崖与大海。作者写道: “The sea was so far below that the sound of breakin...
If you have a sense of humor, I bet you'll love this book. I bought it from Chaterhouse Booktraders in Shanghai, and finished it during the New Year holidays. He started this European trip from the northern-most city of Hammerfest, and finished at Istanbul...
I learned the fact that Bryson was popular (besides Wikipedia says so) from the library checking status list. I’m so used to that when searching for certain writer, all his works would be neatly listed with the status description of “available at xxx libr...
0 有用 香樟 2007-08-06 11:39:19
0 有用 free night 2011-12-25 12:56:40
0 有用 Threeoclock 2009-08-24 19:27:28
1 有用 小气 2015-11-07 20:46:36
喜欢他无厘头的搞笑,从无趣中看到大趣味 从来没想到可以把欧洲写的和在印度旅行一样糟糕、各种不适应和奇怪的经历 比如旅行欧洲别人会觉得他是不是会很多语言。而他事实上享受着只会英语,到了陌生国家回到像孩童一样一切都需要猜测、联系,睁大好奇的眼睛,观察各种陌生 他能把很多特点都放大,比如巴黎的可怕交通,他说:他真心觉得这些司机都希望他死。 这很有戏剧效果。
0 有用 o 2009-04-20 20:04:22