LisaLeung对《Blue Nights》的笔记(3)

LisaLeung (Vrij en onbevreesd)

读过 Blue Nights

Blue Nights
  • 书名: Blue Nights
  • 作者: Joan Didion
  • 页数: 208
  • 出版社: Knopf
  • 出版年: 2011-11-1
  • 第十一章

    “You have your wonderful memories,” people said later, as if memories were solace. Memories are not. Memories are by definition of times past, things gone. Memories are the Westlake uniforms in the closet, the faded and cracked photographs, the invitations to the weddings of the people who are no longer married, the mass cards from the funerals of the people whose faces you no longer remember. Memories are what you no longer want to remember.

    2020-01-05 11:26:13 回应
  • 第二章

    “Time passes.

    Memory fades, memory adjusts, memory conforms to what we think we remember.”


    Blue Nights

    Joan Didion


    2020-01-06 16:13:25 回应
  • 第十三章

    “For everything there is a season. I’d miss having the seasons, people from New York like to say by way of indicating the extraordinary pride they take in not living in Southern California. In fact Southern California does have seasons (it has for example “fire season” or “the season when the fire comes,” and it also has “the season when the rain comes,” but such Southern California seasons, arriving as they do so theatrically as to seem strokes of random fate, do not inexorably suggest the passage of time. Those other seasons, the ones so prized on the East Coast, do. Seasons in Southern California suggest violence, but not necessarily death. Seasons in New York—the relentless dropping of the leaves, the steady darkening of the days, the blue nights themselves—suggest only death. For my having a child there was a season. That season passed. I have not yet located the season in which I do not hear her crooning back to the eight-track.”

    2020-01-07 09:59:18 回应