在读  · · ·  ( 13本 )

  • Wonder
  • Option B
  • 证券分析
  • The Buffalo Creek Disaster
  • Circle of Greed

读过  · · ·  ( 110本 )

  • 局外人
  • 活着
  • 1Q84 BOOK 2
  • Zero to One
  • Lessons from Madame Chic
  • 天才在左 疯子在右
  • 彼得·林奇的成功投资
  • 股票大作手回忆录
  • Existentialism
  • Intermediate Accounting

想读  · · ·  ( 21本 )

  • 这些人,那些事
  • 解忧杂货店
  • 静默
  • 我心中的美好世界
  • 我是如何一步步毁掉我的生活的
  • 浮生六记
  • What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20
  • 存在与虚无
  • 生命的悲剧意识
  • 进化心理学

bonsoir的笔记  · · ·  ( 7篇 )

Option B (4)

  • 第100页 Taking Back Joy
    When we lookfor joy, we often focus on the big moments. Graduating from school. Having a child. Getting a job. Being reunited with family. But happiness is the frequency of possitive experiences, n...
  • 第47页 The Platinum Rule of Friendship
    As Sheryl discussed in this chapter, we need to step up when our friends and families are in pain. They won't necessarily need you to do something. But your attitude and willingness of being there ...
  • 第16页 Breathing Again
    ...Psychologist Martin Seligman found that three P's can stunt recovery:(1) personalization - the belief that we are at fault; (2) pervasiveness - the belief that an event will affect all areas of...

Existentialism (3)

  • 第14页 The Rotation Method
    So then, one either has to live aesthetically, or one has to live ethically. In this alternative, as I have said, there is not yet in the strictest sense any question of a choice; for he who lives ...
  • 第17页 Is There Such a Thing as A Teleological Suspension of the Ethical?
    Faith is a miracle, and yet no man is excluded from it; for that in which all human life is unified is passion, and faith is a passion.
  • 第2页 Soren Kierkegaard
    Kierkegaard once wrote that " a man loses his umbrella, and he searches desperately for it all day, but he loses himself -- and does not even notice." if we ignore anxiety we lose ourselves, yet we...

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