Sociological and psychiatric studies on suicide based on Western ideas about human nature see suicide as social or individual disorder. Suicide in China, however, should be understood differently.
By analyzing 30 cases, Wu Fei studies the dynamics of suicide in terms of family politics and local psychology and finds that suicide is committed when a power balance is broken in th...
Sociological and psychiatric studies on suicide based on Western ideas about human nature see suicide as social or individual disorder. Suicide in China, however, should be understood differently.
By analyzing 30 cases, Wu Fei studies the dynamics of suicide in terms of family politics and local psychology and finds that suicide is committed when a power balance is broken in the games of power in the family. Unlike public injustice, domestic injustice is not only closely related to, but also often strengthened by emotional interdependence. Suicide and depression are different responses to the same situation of domestic injustice. The book also covers suicide as perceived by rural people outside the family; how suicide is viewed in politics; suicide prevention and studies of suicide in Chinese modern intellectual history.
Showing that suicide in China is not mainly caused by too traditional values, but reflects a dilemma in Chinese modernity, this book should be of interest to students and scholars in Chinese studies; sociology; anthropology and suicide studies.
Arthur Kleinman, Harvard University Reviews: This book is the most serious ethnographic study of suicide to date. Its conclusions challenge but also complement psychiatric research. It is also an important contribution to the study of what is disappearing in rural China today. A real achievement.
2 有用 安蜡笔 2015-05-09 16:06:26
吴飞是真厉害,他对Durkheim的解读和批评是我读过所有人当中最简明扼要且最突出的,我们reading list上的都是什么鬼。至于他自己的研究我也是很有好感,跟Durkheim就是一个社会学一个人类学的区别。
0 有用 屎上雕花科学家 2014-03-06 13:06:31
0 有用 若你遇见她 2023-09-20 17:01:54 湖南
重读中文版,要让人有尊严,日常生活是一部最值得读的书。“冤枉”:在家庭之外的公共生活中遭受的不公正待遇;“委屈”:遭到诸如家庭成员等有亲密关系的人的不公正待遇/在他们期待的结果无法得到的时候会采取极端的方式,以期在家庭中得到更多的尊重和权力。他们虽然明明知道家庭政治的目的是亲密关系而不是敌对关系,却忘记了,如果自己死了,这种胜利是没有价值的/人们要么以任性赌气的方式一味反抗,把在权力游戏中取胜看得... 重读中文版,要让人有尊严,日常生活是一部最值得读的书。“冤枉”:在家庭之外的公共生活中遭受的不公正待遇;“委屈”:遭到诸如家庭成员等有亲密关系的人的不公正待遇/在他们期待的结果无法得到的时候会采取极端的方式,以期在家庭中得到更多的尊重和权力。他们虽然明明知道家庭政治的目的是亲密关系而不是敌对关系,却忘记了,如果自己死了,这种胜利是没有价值的/人们要么以任性赌气的方式一味反抗,把在权力游戏中取胜看得比幸福家庭更重要;要么以并不道德的方式积累道德资本,把面子看得比伦理规范更重要;要么把蔑视家庭伦理当做自由,将不负责任当做洒脱,却很难认真地在普通的家庭伦理中成就有尊严的生活模式/没有国家的法义,人格价值当然无法保全;但若是没有个体自身的思考与努力,即使是再完美的社会制度,也难以保障有尊严的生活 (展开)
0 有用 9 Crimes 2019-02-25 07:26:49
0 有用 李大猫 2016-03-16 04:46:01
相比浮生取义,mental health problems的讨论更多了,尤其是在最后一章。只是有的词句真的没法翻译,作为一个中国人,看着看着就笑哭了...不是吴飞翻得不好,是难度系数太高,同情看不懂的外国人...