Recent decades have seen a dramatic shift away from social forms of gambling played around roulette wheels and card tables to solitary gambling at electronic terminals. Addiction by Design takes readers into the intriguing world of machine gambling, an increasingly popular and absorbing form of play that blurs the line between human and machine, compulsion and control, risk and...
Recent decades have seen a dramatic shift away from social forms of gambling played around roulette wheels and card tables to solitary gambling at electronic terminals. Addiction by Design takes readers into the intriguing world of machine gambling, an increasingly popular and absorbing form of play that blurs the line between human and machine, compulsion and control, risk and reward. Drawing on fifteen years of field research in Las Vegas, anthropologist Natasha Dow Schll shows how the mechanical rhythm of electronic gambling pulls players into a trancelike state they call the "machine zone," in which daily worries, social demands, and even bodily awareness fade away. Once in the zone, gambling addicts play not to win but simply to keep playing, for as long as possible--even at the cost of physical and economic exhaustion. In continuous machine play, gamblers seek to lose themselves while the gambling industry seeks profit. Schll describes the strategic calculations behind game algorithms and machine ergonomics, casino architecture and "ambience management," player tracking and cash access systems--all designed to meet the market's desire for maximum "time on device." Her account moves from casino floors into gamblers' everyday lives, from gambling industry conventions and Gamblers Anonymous meetings to regulatory debates over whether addiction to gambling machines stems from the consumer, the product, or the interplay between the two. Addiction by Design is a compelling inquiry into the intensifying traffic between people and machines of chance, offering clues to some of the broader anxieties and predicaments of contemporary life.
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Natasha Dow Schüll is associate professor in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
在澳大利亚,绝大多数的赌博者都是重复性玩家,几乎所有的赌博机都是视频老虎机,那里的赌博成瘾群体也展现了这种“行为重塑”的后果。公共健康研究不断证实,题赌博者喜欢多线和低面值的游戏,他们的游戏风格是所谓的“最少最多”(在每条线上下注最少或不多的金额,但是下注最多的中奖线数量,这样可以获得稳定的奖励但奖励的金额会下降)。”其中一项研究发现,这些人将近90%的游戏时间花在了1分面值的游戏上,而他们的输局有2/3是拜这些机器所赐。如记者马克库珀( Marc Cooper)在2005年所说:“新一代的赌博机不出意外地培养了新一代的赌瘾者:这些玩家不会为大赌注的掷骰子或翻脾带来的肾上腺素飙升而振奋;他们是神游物外的逃避型玩家,他们想通过永无止境的转轮游戏,实现渴望已久的平静麻木的状态。” (查看原文)
feedback: live-data(tracking players , guiding play), perfect contingency (from control to compulsion), addiction : gambled way :(liquidating life ),overdrive(chasing loss, playing to extinction ).
So it isn't really a gamble at all - in fact, it's one of the few places I'm certain about anything. 前言 书我也没看完,卡我也没抽取全(咳咳...)作为一枚游戏从业者&重度游戏玩家,看到最近新出台的19年游戏版号新规,便想随便写点什么,轻喷。 关于抽卡 或者说...
2 有用 Prunus d 2020-11-12 16:33:03
0 有用 道眠 2023-08-03 01:02:37 日本
0 有用 香蒲 2020-05-28 00:00:23
feedback: live-data(tracking players , guiding play), perfect contingency (from control to compulsion), addiction : gambled way :(liquidating life ),overdrive(chasing loss, playing to extinction ).
0 有用 青胜于蓝 2022-10-02 15:23:02 江苏
0 有用 ClearMomo🍀 2023-06-24 10:22:14 美国
6.12-6.22.2023 很震撼,改变了自己的addiction的看法,也提供了观察和理解自己行为的新角度。如今的social media何尝不是addictive by design。感觉如果有相关研究,对比起来读会很有意思。书里面提到的escape-backward flow和escape-forward flow(非作者原创观点)很有启发。“part four: adjustment里面... 6.12-6.22.2023 很震撼,改变了自己的addiction的看法,也提供了观察和理解自己行为的新角度。如今的social media何尝不是addictive by design。感觉如果有相关研究,对比起来读会很有意思。书里面提到的escape-backward flow和escape-forward flow(非作者原创观点)很有启发。“part four: adjustment里面关于medication和therapy的地方感觉有点儿在立稻草人以及以偏概全,不过考虑到作者的stance和narrative可以理解。(要是自己的dissertation也能弄成这么有系统有意思的东西就好了!努力!) (展开)