
  • 书名: 时尚生活英语手册
  • 作者: 田娟 等
  • 页数: 251
  • 出版社: 北京大学出版社
  • 出版年: 2002-01
  • 第10页 摘录

    bare midriff 露脐装 bathrobe 浴衣 bell-bottom trousers 喇叭裤 beret 贝雷帽 boutique 精品店 breeches 马裤 cardigan 毛衣开衫 checker 方格子花纹 contact lenses 隐形眼镜 crewneck 圆领 denim 丁宁布(做牛仔服的斜纹粗棉布) dungarees 粗棉布工装裤(现多指背带裤) emerald 翠玉;祖母绿 garters 吊带袜 jade 翡翠 knapsack 背包 knee socks 中筒袜 linen 亚麻布 overalls (带护胸布的)工作装 pantyhose 连裤袜 flannel 法兰绒 parasol (=sunshade) (妇女用的)阳伞 pendant 垂饰,坠子 plaid 格子花纺织品 runway 天台,t台 sapphire 蓝宝石 shawl 披肩 slacks 休闲裤,家居便裤 slip 衬裙 slip dress 吊带裙 sole 鞋底 solid (布料)纯色 split skirt 裙裤 standing collar 立领 stocking 长筒袜 sweatshirt 汗衫 tie clip 领带夹 tights (跳舞或运动时所穿的)紧身衣 tweed 斜纹软呢 waistcoat (=vest) 马甲,背心 worsted 精纺毛料服装 BEAUTY FASHION astringent 收敛水 blush brush 胭脂刷 blusher 胭脂;腮红 braid 辫子,与pony-tail 并不同 cologne 古龙水 combination skin 混合性皮肤 crew cut 小平头 crop 剪短的头发;平头 dandruff 头皮屑 eyebrow shaper 眉刷 eyebrow tweezers 眉钳 eyelash curler 睫毛夹 fine lines 细纹 freckle 雀斑 hairpin/hairslide 发夹 manicure 修剪指甲 perm 烫发 powder puff 粉扑 RECREATION FASHION archery 射箭 aerobics 有氧运动;健身操 billiards 台球 botanical garden 植物园 bridge 桥牌 eg. it takes four people to play bridge. bungee 蹦极 eg. Bungee jumping is a dangerous sport. card 扑克牌 spade 铲子、heart 心、diamond 钻石、club 棒子 cha-cha 恰恰 dancing floor 舞池 (舞厅-dancing hall里面跳舞的地方) DDR- dance dance revolution 跳舞机 equestrian 骑马 eg. Diane loved horses and often competed in equestrian events. figure skating 花样滑冰 grass skiing 滑草 kayaking 皮划艇 eg. kayaking is a water sport popular among young athletic people. mahjong 麻将 monument 纪念碑 mountaineering 登山 push-up 俯卧撑 e.g. A recruit in the army usually must do push-ups to get into shape. rafting 漂流 eg. White water rafting is a fun-filled, challenging sport. recreation ground 游乐场 roller-blading 单排四轮溜冰鞋 rumba 伦巴 samba 桑巴 sit-up 仰卧起坐 social-dance 交谊舞 springboard diving 跳板跳水 waltz 华尔兹 water skiing 滑水 ENTERTAINMENT FASHION 娱乐篇 action movie announcer 报幕员 audience rate(ing) 收视率 clapperboard 响板(电影制作中的道具) eg. The director told his assistant to bring the clapperboard with him onto the movie set. commercial 广告片 dubbing 配音 eg. The foreign film was dubbed in English. newscaster 新闻播音员 orchestra 管弦乐队,交响乐团 eg. The Moscow symphony orchestra played favourites on Tuesday. prime time 黄金时段 e.g. Prime time TV seldom offers educational programs. prompter 题词人,题词 eg. The elder actor could not read the teleprompter without his glasses. props 道具 eg. The props for the play were borrowed form family and friends. rehearsal 排练 scenario 电影脚本 slow motions 慢镜头 eg. In slow motion the camera showed every detail of the accident. sound effects 音响效果 spotlight 聚光灯 eg. The spotlight was continuously on Clinton during the Lewinsky affair. stage illumination 舞台照明 e.g. The lighting technician was responsible for stage illumination. theme music 主题音乐 e.g. The theme music in the movie, Titanic, can be heard everywhere. thriller 惊险片 Food Fashion 饮食篇 beverage 饮料 The choice of beverages at the restaurant was limited. cutlet-cutlets mineral waters 矿泉水 omelette 煎蛋卷 eg. The three-egg omelette included mushrooms, onions, and ham. Harry wanted a big breakfast, so he ordered a three-egg omelette. preserves 水果蜜饯 eg. The pieces of strawberry in the preserves tasted fruitier than the jam. pressure cooker 高压锅 eg. The old woman preferred to cook the meat in a pressure cooker. wok 中式菜锅 eg. Mr Wu stir-fried the vegetables in a wok. High Tech Fashion black box 黑匣子 e.g. After the plane crashed, divers spent several days searching for the black box which, hopefully, would have answers to what happened. net-cafe 网吧 net citizen (netizen) 网民 spacecraft 航空飞船,太空船 eg. China plans to launch a manned spacecraft in the near future. test tube baby Viagra WWW stands for world wide wed 万维网 AA Alcoholics Anonymous; American Airlines, Inc.

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