姜小白对《Hatching Twitter》的笔记(1)

姜小白 (而高贵地忍受它却是一个幸运)

读过 Hatching Twitter

Hatching Twitter
  • 书名: Hatching Twitter
  • 作者: Nick Bilton
  • 副标题: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal
  • 页数: 304
  • 出版社: Portfolio Hardcover
  • 出版年: 2013-11-5
  • Twitter. Twittered. Twittering. Twitters.

    “Noah stopped what he was doing and stared at the phone, then picked it back up again and held it in his hand as he flipped it on and off, watching it quietly shake. Vibrate, he thought, and quickly looked up the word in the dictionary. “Shake, quiver, or throb; move back and forth rapidly.” This immediately got Noah excited.

    Although the status updater was intriguing to everyone, for Noah it had a more personal meaning. As he had explained to Jack in his car in the rain, Status could make people feel “less alone.” Noah’s love life, business, and now friendships, which were all woven into Odeo, were falling apart. This new invention could glue them all back together again, and he reasoned that the project needed a name that could explain such an idea.

    “His vibrating phone led him to think of the brain impulses that cause a muscle to twitch. “Twitch!” No, that would never work, he thought. So he continued flipping through the tw’s in the dictionary. Twister. Twist tie. Twit. Twitch. Twitcher. Twitchy. Twite. And then, there it was.

    “The light chirping sound made by certain birds.” Noah’s heart started to pound as he continued to read. “A similar sound, especially light, tremulous speech or laughter.” This is it, he thought. “Agitation or excitement; flutter.”

    A verb. Twitter.

    Twitter. Twittered. Twittering. Twitters.”

    2021-08-06 16:06:33 1人喜欢 回应

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