姜小白对《High Performance Habits》的笔记(1)

姜小白 (而高贵地忍受它却是一个幸运)

读过 High Performance Habits

High Performance Habits
  • 书名: High Performance Habits
  • 作者: Brendon Burchard/布兰登·伯查德
  • 副标题: How Extraordinary People Become That Way
  • 页数: 400
  • 出版社: Hay House Inc
  • 出版年: 2017-9-19
  • Productivity

    “The fundamentals of becoming more productive are setting goals and maintaining energy and focus. No goals, no focus, no energy—and you’re dead in the water.

    Productivity starts with goals. When you have clear and challenging goals, you tend to be more focused and engaged, which leads to a greater sense of flow and enjoyment in what you’re doing.Greater enjoyment gives you that intrinsic motivation that has been correlated with greater productivity in both quantity and quality of output.The same goes for teams. Groups that have clear and challenging goals almost always outperform those without explicit goals. Research consistently shows that group goals inspire people to work more quickly and for longer periods, pay more attention to the tasks that matter, become less distracted, and increase their overall effort. "

    2021-08-04 12:30:32 4人喜欢 回应

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