姜小白对《The Psychology of Money》的笔记(1)

姜小白 (而高贵地忍受它却是一个幸运)

读过 The Psychology of Money

The Psychology of Money
  • 书名: The Psychology of Money
  • 作者: Morgan Housel/摩根 · 豪泽尔
  • 副标题: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness
  • 出版社: Harriman House
  • 出版年: 2020-9-8
  • how the U.S. economy performed over the last 170 years

    Here’s how the U.S. economy performed over the last 170 years: “But do you know what happened during this period? Where do we begin ...

    1.3 million Americans died while fighting nine major wars.

    Roughly 99.9% of all companies that were created went out of business.

    Four U.S. presidents were assassinated.

    675,000 Americans died in a single year from a flu pandemic.

    30 separate natural disasters killed at least 400 Americans each.

    33 recessions lasted a cumulative 48 years.

    The number of forecasters who predicted any of those recessions rounds to zero.

    The stock market fell more than 10% from a recent high at least 102 times.

    Stocks lost a third of their value at least 12 times.

    Annual inflation exceeded 7% in 20 separate years.”

    2021-03-30 15:54:46 2人喜欢 回应

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